Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Again

Well, it's Sunday again and my face is still not healed. It's much better but is still red and still peels a bit each morning. Thank goodness for makeup. I will go to church today. I missed last Sunday. That was my worst day. My face burned and itched all that day.

We were so busy yesterday that after we watched a movie last night and Bob left, I took my bath and went on to bed about 9:00. I slept well. Missy woke me up about 12:30 to go out. I let her out and went back to bed. About thirty minutes later, I got up and let her back in. She went right back to sleep too.

She is going to be traumatized when we move. She's not much for change at all. Any time something unusual happens, she climbs up in my bed and under the bedspread and hides. When I am gone for a week, she is angry when I get back home. What a strange cat! She doesn't like much of anyone else. She tolerates my son-in-law and even Bob but doesn't make up with them.

Tomorrow I will go over to the hospital to wait in the surgery waiting room while Leslie has her back surgery. It is scheduled for 8:30 so I will go about 8:00. I hope it goes well. I am very apprehensive. I have heard of so many back surgeries that just cause worse problems. What she is having is an Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. It's a big surgery.

More later..


Betty said...

I hope the surgery is successful. Good luck to her.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Betty. I am pretty concerned. My cousin had that surgery 60 years ago. I hope it is improved since then.