Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Colder Thursday

It's colder this morning (30degrees F) but so far the only precipitation we have received is a little misty snow yet. It is supposed to warm up a bit this week though.

Bob came over for an hour or so last night but after watching a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory, we couldn't find anything else to watch. The Nature program on PBS was one we had already seen.  He ended up just going home to read.

I took my bath and went to bed about 8:30 last night after he left. For some reason I was really tired and I couldn't find anything interesting to watch on TV. I didn't feel like reading that late. That just makes me sleepier. I awoke at 2:30 AM but got right back to sleep. I slept until 5:30. I got up and did my makeup and dressed and put some biscuits  in the oven and made a pot of coffee.

Missy seems to be feeling better. A couple of days this week she seemed not quite herself and was not eating much. She has found a new place to sleep...on the daybed in the den. She disappears  for hours at a time and that's where I have found her every time.

I don't know what I will do's so messy out. I may do some laundry and more cleaning. I could get back to one of the three books I'm reading on my kindle.

I got my car insurance paid yesterday afternoon. That's that big bill for six months. That took a chunk out of my savings.  The car is an '08 Honda and I didn't expect it to be so expensive to insure it but it's been years since I've had a car payment too and I only carried liability on the '01 Honda I sold to Denise and Terry.

I've decided I really like my new  coverlet. It is a little heavier then the last two and the color looks really good in the bedroom with that brown and tan tweed short shag. Now I must stop spending money. :)


marlu said...

Margie, we found that if we didn't drive over 35 miles a day and had no dui's, we got a much lower rate on our car insurance. Something to think about.

Margie's Musings said...

What company did you use, Marlu?

marlu said...

State Farm

marlu said...

State Farm

marlu said...
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