Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cake Tuesday

It's time to take cakes to Independence again  today and also I will get my hair fixed while I'm up there.  Then I'll come home and fix lunch. We will have pork chops fixed in the oven with baked potato, green beans and coleslaw. I still have cherry pie cake for dessert.

I learned that the First Christian Church will take a three week hiatus from serving the Tuesday evening dinners. We will not have to take cakes up there again until  July 22nd.

I need to go to the bank when I get that done and figure out why my popmoney doesn't work.I wanted to send some cash to Scott and could not get it to show a list of accounts to do that. I will get that figured out later.

More later...

After I got home from Independence, I went up to my bank to have them enable popmoney so I could send some cash to Scott.  They didn't have a clue how to do that.  I wonder if I made  a mistake in changing to this particular bank? This is the third "glitch" I have encountered there.  They took my number and will call me when (and if)  they get it figured out.

Time to start lunch....more even later....

Lunch was good! Afterward I went to town to check on the car insurance. The company raised it $46.00 a half and I didn't even have a claim. That made it $429 a half.  I checked with Shelter and theirs was $283.26 for the same coverage. Obviously I will switch. Then my renter's insurance will be $102 instead of $142 a year.

The bank won't have that popmoney feature ready until next week so they wired Scott the money he needed from my checking account. That worked out.

It's been quite a day. I did get my Dillard's bill on my account to be paid online. It's now scheduled.

My newspaper will be coming shortly. There's not a lot in it but I need to support the paper or they'll stop publishing.


Balisha said...

I had to look up popmoney too.

Margie's Musings said...

What a weird name, Balisha! Popmoney!