Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Hot Saturday

It's not hot yet but it's only 7:00 too. It's 77 degrees right now but is supposed to get up to 101. I'm not looking forward to that. However, Bobby and Karan and Bob and I are going to Joplin this morning to  eat at Olive Garden at noon. They have been working a couple of weeks getting two of their mobile homes ready for rent. It has been a huge job. One of the previous renters nearly wrecked the place and they are having to put a lot of money and time into getting it ready to be rented.  They say "never again to HUD". This will be a good break for them.....and us. I haven't really been out of town since I started this job except to go to Independence to take the cakes up and to get my hair done.

Well yesterday after exercises I did run over to Caney to the bank I have my car loan  with. I wanted to find out how long my five year loan would be if I paid an extra $200 a month. Turns out it would be paid off in 22 months. So I came home and scheduled a second payment this month. I will do that each month until it's paid off.  Then I came back home and warmed up our hamburger pie for lunch.   

I watched some TV last night but by 9:00 I was ready to go to bed. I woke up two or three times in the night but was always able to get back to sleep. The second time I woke up my right leg was aching and my back was hurting so I got up and took a couple of Aleve. Then I was able to get back to sleep. Getting old is not for sissies.

Today I must run the sweeper and dust before we leave for Joplin. I got laundry done yesterday and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen floors. But that's all I got done.  This morning I cut up the rest of the watermelon John and Leslie gave me and put it in Tupperware. We will use it for a snack until it's gone.

Missy tickles me. When she thinks I'm distracted by this blog, she tries to sneak out to the front of the apartment. I have made her go back several times but finally I just brought my chair out here on the drive and am watching her from here.  I don't want her to get hurt again like she did last year when that stray cat attacked her. She is getting more and more adventuresome nowadays though.

More later....

I got the apartment all cleaned up for another week. The bed is clean and the towels have all bedding washed and dried. I always feel good when I can get all that done early in the day.

Juanita just called and I will get up to Independence to see her on Sunday after diiner. She has her bank statement and I will reconcile her account then.  Juanita is almost completely blind and really has no one to help her with her bank statement.  My hair appointment is at 7:30 on Tuesday morning so I can't work it out then. I will just make a trip up there in the afternoon on Sunday.

We went  to Joplin at 10:30 and had our lunch at Olive Garden. We had a good time and we went out to the mall and looked around at TJ Maxx. Bob and I both bought some flavored coffee.  Then we stopped at Christopher and banks and Karan bought some sale clothing.  She has lost 35 pounds and can't wear any of her clothes any more.

We got home at 3:30 and took them home and then I came home and looked at my e-mail. Leslie wants to go to the Peace Colloquy. If I go, we may stay with Sherry, Karan's daughter. She has a nice place in Kansas City.


Balisha said...

Have a nice weekend....enjoy your time off.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Balisha. You have a nice weekend too.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

It's back to normal summer heat here as well.

I just love Olive Garden! :)