Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sunday and a Very Busy Day

I slept until almost 5:00AM this morning and feel rested now. I got myself ready for the day and fed Missy and myself before starting the roast and potatoes with carrots in the slow cooker. I hope it cooks well. I put it on at 6:00AM and added the potatoes and carrots a short time later. It is supposed to cook for 2 1/2 hours and then be put on number 2 on "warm" after that. I will take a casserole dish with me to serve it in.

After the basket dinner today, we will pack our Samaritan Child Christmas boxes. Then after that I will come home and do the congregational newsletters. Finally I will pack my carry-on. That's the only bag I am taking. Leslie does not want us to check any luggage... just put our carry-ons under the seat ahead of us.

I have watched the news and weather this morning. Tomorrow there is supposed to be a couple of inches of snow. least in Tulsa...from where we are leaving for Phoenix. I dread the flight. I hate the routine of being searched and putting my bag on the conveyor belt to be searched. At least this time I will have John and Leslie with me. We have to fly to Denver first and change planes there. I hope they don't have ice or snow in Denver.  That could cause a delay. Keith told me yesterday that John and Leslie are renting a car after we get there. They will attend some kind of conference while we are there. Keith plans to take us to Sadona on Wednesday. Wednesday is Esther's birthday. We will celebrate it then.

This morning it is 39 degrees out there. That's a little warmer then yesterday.

More later....

Bob just brought me his banana nut bread for the church school class.  He is not going to go to church today. He has a lot on his mind. He is taking his girlfriend, Joanne, to Galena for tests tomorrow. She has several serious health problems.

I will pick up Phyllis at 9:00AM and we will take care of his duties when we get to church. On top of everything else, he will be feeding and cleaning up after Missy for the next three days until Thursday when we get back.

More later....

Phyllis and I got to church and carried in our food, etc. for the basket dinner. We tried to do the things Bob always took care of since he was not able to come today.

We had our class and then the worship service. Johnna's stepson with his 13 month old baby came and after awhile she got fussy. He got up and took her out in the foyer and I got up and joined him. I convinced his to leave the baby with me and I took her to the nursery and played with her until the service was over. I also convinced him to stay for lunch and they did. The baby was good and she enjoyed the toys and the child sized rocking chair.

We had a nice lunch.  

After I got home I put what was left of my roast and potatoes and carrots in a smaller dish and called Marilyn to ask if she could use it. She was glad to take it off my hands. :)

I worked on the congregational newsletter then and got two of them ready for the snail mail The rest went out in  e mail.

Then after I got all my packing finished except for the last minutes stuff, I took my bath and Missy and I lay down on the sofa and watched TV and Amazon Prime until 9:30PM, when we went to bed.

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