I get bloody tissue now when I blow...no sign of a cold..just hunks of tissue that is usually bloody. I got up and went to the computer and searched for the photo from 2013. I found the photo Leslie took of me back in 2013 when I had it before and printed it off. Then I went back to bed and got back to sleep until almost 7:00AM.
This morning after the Medicine Shoppe opened I called and got John, the pharmacist .I asked him if that prescription would still be good after all these years. He said the company would say "no" but he said he had meds in his medicine chest that were ten and fifteen years old and he still took them. He said it was his opinion that my med would still be good. So I opened it and took one. I am to take them three times a day. He said if this had not cleared up by Tuesday, I should probably see a doctor. I will do that. I don't need meningitis, that's for sure.
I did call Nancy at 10:30 and she was still in bed. She says she feels wretched. She took Tylenol but it did not help. She aches all over. I told her Tylenol doesn't do anything for inflammation so for that I usually take Aleve. She didn't have any Aleve and she had already taken Tylenol. I apologized for waking her and let her get back to sleep. Sure enough! She had not called David back. She felt too bad.
I walked up to the library and checked out two more books. I have been watching a vet show on TV so I have not started them yet. My Kindle is being charged.
More later...It's 11:30AM and I am thinking about lunch.
I had a sandwich for lunch and watched a TV show I had taped. Then I went out back and opened those two bags of Miracle Grow that John and Leslie had brought me and worked it into the soil John had brought me earlier.

That little garden bag was something I won at Bunco last year. It came in handy today. I am going to buy six of those foot square tiles at Walmart and enlarge my tiny patio. This little tiny thing is hardly big enough for my two chairs.

This is the little above ground flowerbed John made me when I moved into the apartment in Coffeyville. When I moved last January here to Caney, he took it up and later had Jeromy, my grandson, bring it to him. Then earlier this Spring, he brought it over here to my new place along with several big buckets of good rich dirt. He and Leslie brought me the two bags of Miracle Grow earlier this week. Next week, I will buy my flowers and get them planted and also buy a bag of mulch and those six foot square tiles to enlarge that small patio.
More even later...
I heard from Leslie that we are going to eat at the Railroad Inn in Independence for Easter. I will take my list and after lunch I will go to the Independence Walmart and buy the things I want for the flowerbed... including the foot wide tiles...everything except for the flowers. I will get them next week at Coffeyville. It may be a little bit early to plant flowers this week.
I started to read the two books I got at the library and found that I had already read both of them...so Monday I will take them both back. So after my Kindle was charged, I have begun a book Bill gave me for a birthday gift and I never got around to reading.
I took my bath and got ready for bed st 7:00PM, watched Dateline and went to bed at 8:45PM. I was very tired again.
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