Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday and Late Sleeping

I slept until 6:17AM this morning and I hadn't even taken melatonin. Amazing!

I got up and dressed and had my oatmeal and coffee and am now working on my Chai.  Suzanne will be by sometime today to pick up the rent.  I have it all ready to go. She wants to have coffee sometime this afternoon. She and Steve have been gone to Branson too. I don't know when they got back. She said she was helping her cousin with a garage sale this weekend.

I don't have an agenda for today. I may do some cleaning. I missed getting to do that on Thursday since we left for Branson then.

Back later...

I washed all three bare floors this morning and watered the flowerbed in the back. I deadheaded all the flowers. Everything looks neat.  I probably will wait until Thursday to run the vacuum cleaner. I saw the little gray cat come to eat some of the cat food I put out this morning. I haven't seen the larger yellow one since yesterday afternoon.

I had one of my chicken pot pies for lunch today and I will meet Suzanne out at Eggberts at 2:00PM for coffee. I will take her rent check to her then. Alice can't come this time. She is closing on her house this afternoon. I will miss her when she moves to Edna. She has been a good neighbor.

I did some trimming of the grass in the back yard this morning.

I got the last book we are going to use for Church School class this morning. The name of it is "We Make the Road by Walking" by Brian McLaren. We have studied several of his books. His books make you think and thinking is always good for us.

More later...

Suzanne, my landlady, came by and picked me up for tea this afternoon. We sat and visited at Eggberts for an hour or so. Then we went out to Dollar General. She needed to pick up some things. Then she brought me home. She gave me the extra garage door opener to give to John and Leslie.

More even later...

I spent the afternoon going through old bank statements and shredding anything older them 2019. It will take me awhile but I hope to clean out the file cabinet of anything unessential.  I may work on it some more tomorrow.

I also did a small load of laundry of towels and underwear. 

Finally, I knew I needed to give the shredder a rest or chance burning it out.  I went in and watched some of my Amazon Prime programs. I was out of yogurt so I had an ice cream bar and a cookie for supper. (very unhealthy) While I am in Coffeyville on Wednesday, I need to stop by Braums and get some more yogurt.

At 7:00PM, I took my bath and at 9:30PM  I went on to bed.

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