Friday, January 3, 2020

Friday and No Particular Plan

I slept fitfully last night but finally got up at 5:00AM. I fed the two cats as usual. When I opened the front door they were patiently  waiting for me to bring their food dishes out filled with food. They ate well and when they finished I brought the dishes back in the house and covered them.

Soon after that, a large dog came by but when I opened the door  to retrieve the dishes, he ran off.

I had my usual oatmeal and juice and watched the news on TV.

The apartment is clean and the laundry is too so I have no plan for the day.

More later....

I went out to start my car and saw that it was time for an oil change so I went to Bartlesville for that service at their Honda agency. While I was there, I refilled my gas tank. I had received three books in my mail and I took them with me and started working on reading one of them.

I got back home about 4:00PM. I watched TV and read all evening. I took my bath at 7:00PM and finally went to bed at 9:00PM


Margie's Musings said...

And you too Laurie! Have a great New Year!

Galla Creek said...

A dog may be carrying the bowls away. They will do that.

Margie's Musings said...

Not all three bowls though and I searched the neighborhood for any sign of them

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

The case of the missing cat bowls is a mystery. I can't imagine anyone stealing so many cat bowls, but there are a lot of weirdos in the world, or maybe it is a stray dog that is hoping that if he takes the bowls some more food will materialize in them.

Donna. W said...

I still think dogs are responsible for the missing dishes.

Margie's Musings said...

I think it is my next door neighbor.Now that I am taking the bowls in, that took care of the problem.