Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday and Laundry

I have  a load of towels, dish draining pads and underwear in the laundry and now I have it in the dryer.  That's about all I have to do today. I folded out my clean clothes.

I had two or three cats come for breakfast this morning. There are several gray cats and I am not always able to tell which one is which. The yellow Tom did come and the yellow kitten came too. There is still food out there and I will leaving it for awhile. Perhaps some of the other cats will want it.

I discovered last night if I laid my right arm on a separate pillow...and stretched it out, it was not painful and I could sleep.  I hope that works long time.

I have had my breakfast and coffee and Chai. I contacted Bob and his doctor wants another MRI of just the kidneys and they will do that on Monday at 10:00AM. I suppose if it is just one kidney involved, they could remove that one and he could live just fine with just the second one.  I don't know what it could be except cancer since it is a mass on his kidney.

I see on channel 6 that Oklahoma has another 27 cases of the coronavirus. So far we have none in southeast Kansas since what Dale told Nancy and me on Wednesday turned out to be incorrect. I wish the library was open since I am out of reading material.

I see the mama cat is out there eating that cat food now. I am glad I left the bowls out there.

I had a chicken pot pie for my lunch.  Then I had an ice cream bar for dessert.

More later....

I read most of the day and also played solitaire and then checked my mail. I am bored to death. I am out of mysteries to read and am just plain bored. I tried to call Nancy but she didn't answer her phone. The library won't be open again until  March 23rd..that's Monday if they even open then. It will depend on what kind of  virus we have around the area. So far everything is up in the cities...none around here.

More even later....

I watched several recorded Dateline programs and finally just went to bed at 8:30PM...bored. 


pat m said...

People probably has the virus but don't know it..but they can infect 4-5 people without knowing of those people could be take care.

Margie's Musings said...

I will. I am staying in to read. If I want to eat out, I will go to a drive in and stay in my car to eat. The employees are wearing plastic gloves.