Monday, March 16, 2020

Tuesday and Cakes For First Christian Church

I slept well last night although I will say my right arm was very sore. I don't know what brought that on. I kept changing position to stay asleep.

Another weird thing happened too. I had read until late in order to finish the second book. Then I went on to bed and forgot to take my contacts out so I slept in them all night. Weird. I never do that. I took them out for awhile and then put some drops in my eyes before I put them back in.

Scott, my younger son,  called me on his way to work this morning. He has blue tooth in his car so that conversation was hands free. We had a good visit.

Generally I feel good unless my arm is sore.

My ink cartridges should be here from Amazon today. If I order them online, I don't have the expense of the trip to a Walmart. The  cost is the same since I have free shipping.

It's 7:25AM now and I will need to leave at 8:30AM to pick up the cakes in Coffeyville and at the church's freezer to take them to Independence to the First Christian Church. Bob is unable to do that now since his spinal stenosis is acting up and he is in pain. He is having an MRI tomorrow and an epidural in his spine too. Then he has another appointment with his doctor on Friday. He wasn't able to bake his cake either. His legs are too numb to stand on them for any time at all.

I had three cats here for their breakfast. Mama cat is the only one staying around... kind of guarding what food she has left in her dish. When she finally left I went out and got the empty bowls and washed them.

I heard from Sherry Epps yesterday. They have cancelled our trip to Overland Park to the new theater. It's just as well. That would have been a huge crowd and I can use the money she will refund. 

Since our church's congregations have closed temporarily because of the covid19 coronavirus pandemic, Leslie and I both logged onto the Toronto Canada church online services and watched the services on our computers.  We intend to do that as long as our congregations are closed.

More later...I had better get around.

I got over to Coffeyville about thirty minutes early and picked up the cakes at Phyllis Fredensborg's and then stopped by Karan's and and got hers too. We visited about thirty minutes. Then I stopped at church and got mine out of the freezer there.

I got up to Independence about 9:40AM and Barbara helped me get the cakes out of my trunk. She told me that would be their last dinner until this coronavirus thing was under control. They were going to serve it as a "to go" meal instead of a sit down dinner. They are also closing down their church until all this is over.

I bought a mini blizzard at the Dairy Queen there. Then I came on back home. I read until lunch time and then fixed myself a ham sandwich for my lunch. I had an ice cream bar afterwards.

I went up to the post office to mail a letter off and noticed it looks like the library is closed. I didn't check but it looked awfully dark in there.

I watched the programs I had recorded Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Then I read the rest of the afternoon. Oh yes, I put together another three church directories too. My ink cartridge from Amazon came in the mail  today.

It's 4:30PM now so I guess I will watch the Tulsa news. They said they had 19 total cases this morning.

More later...

I read all evening until 7:00PM when I took my bath and then went back to read until  9:00PM, when I went on to bed.

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