Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday and Boredom

I slept off and on all night. Let's face it...I went to bed too early. I finally got up at 5:30AM, had my oatmeal for breakfast and chai latte and coffee and even hot chocolate.

I checked out the cat situation and found one yellow cat waiting for me for breakfast. I set out the double bowl and then got the two blue bowls out there for the other cats. They finally showed up. It probably depends on how hungry they are. I don't know if anyone else is feeding ferrel cats.

I have been watching CBS news.  Nothing new there except New York has shut down the city except for grocery stores, gas stations and drug stores. They had had a lot new cases overnight so the governor shut the city down. It is a misdemeanor to be out if you are not essential.

There's just so much TV or computer time anyone can stand. I hope the library does reopen on Monday. I need some more books if I am going to stay in.

More later....

I read most of the afternoon and then decided to watch my very favorite movie on Amazon Prime, "The Shoes of the Fisherman". It's an old one but I have seen it at least 4 times. We first saw it in Tulsa , years ago. We had the kids and Denise and a complete stranger wanted us to se it and insisted on giving us enough money for the six of us to see it. I bought it on Amazon Prime a couple of years ago.  It starred Anthong Quinn so you can guess it is pretty old.

Anyhow, I enjoyed it again.

It is 6:10PM now. I am watching the news.

After 7:00PM, I will take my bath and get ready for bed.  I hope to be able to stay up longer this evening.. I will try to read until then.

I called my old friend, Gay, at 9:00PM and we visited for an hour. It isn't the same as in person but we at least got to visit and catch up.

I finally went to bed shortly after 10:00PM. 


susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I hope everything will be ok with your friend Bob. Here in the St Louis area, the schools have been shut down. They were to be open again on April 2, but I doubt if that will happen. We have a few cases in my area so far, but they increase by one or two every day. We are going to start having grocery delivery or pick up at the store probably next week. Several of the confirmed cases of the virus are within a 5 - 8 mile area of where we live.

I was to have eye surgery for a macular hole in my eye on the 25th of March, but they called me this week and said they won't be doing my surgery because it, at this point, is not an emergency. But if I start to have very cloudy vision, or floaters, or anything strange with my vision, it could mean my retina is detaching and then it would be an emergency.

I am not getting bored yet, but I probably will be soon. My grandson who is 10 has started writing letters to us. I love that. We are writing back to him, so that is fun. It gets him off of his computer games. I know he is bored being at home so much, but he doesn't seem to mind being out of school at all.He keeps himself occupied pretty well.

Margie's Musings said...

That's wonderful about your grandchild. I know you must really enjoy his messages.

I bore easily, unfortunately. The library is closed and it is 26 degrees here this morning. You would never know it is spring.

I would think your eye surgery would be considered necessary..almost an emergency.

The closest cases here are in Cherokee county sixty to eighty miles away. Southeast Kansas is fairly isolated.

Margie's Musings said...

Our schools are shut down for the remainder of the school year.

Peggy said...

In my area (Saratoga Springs NY ) you are able to access your library's digital book collection ( e book and audio) online using your library card. It gives you access to several of the librarys in your home area. I wonder if you can do that too.

Kay said...

Our COVID-19 count just went up from 37 to 48 in one day. It's getting worse and worse. Our governor needs to get serious here.