Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday and Dusting

I slept well last night and was only up once in the night.I got up at 5:00AM, got my bed made and got myself ready for the day. It's 5:56AM now and I am having my breakfast here in the den as usual.

Later I will dust the apartment...everything else is done. Later I will water the flowers if I find that it didn't rain last night  I don't think it did.

I watered the flowers in the back and I am not sure it didn't rain last night. It could have been a heavy dew. Anyhow, it's done for awhile. I still have the front flowers to water but that can wait a bit. I have finished my breakfast and Helouised  the dishes.

More later..I will go check the weather forecast and see if the cats are out there too... 

Both cats were out there for their breakfasts. They are eating now. I took their food out there but the weather wasn't shown on 6;28AM. Maybe it will be at 6:38AM in a couple of minutes. When the cats finished eating..I took their food in the garage and covered it.

And I finally caught the weather forecast.Today is to be 98 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 100 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is forecast for 81 degrees and AM showers. Monday 77 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday 91 degrees and sunny, and Thursday 94 degrees and sunny. That's the forecast for the week ! Tomorrow will be a scorcher!!!100 degrees!!!

I got the flowers in the front yard watered too. That should take care of them for awhile..

More even later.. 

Leslie called me and asked me to go to Bartlesville with her to get a pedicure. I accepted immediately. They had been gone on a cruise and I had missed seeing her at church. We had our pedicures and then we went to "Leslie's Pool Supplies" and she bought a couple of hundred dollars with of pool supplies and then we went to lunch at McCalister's and had a great salad.

I had barely picked up my mail and Jess, Nancy's friend, came to check on me and on her. He came in and visited me for awhile and after he left, I checked my mail. There was nothing important there so I threw away the junk mail.

Now I see Suzanne had been here and left newspapers so I will read those and then put them in the car for Karan to take to the animal shelter in Coffeyville. 

More later...

I read the newspapers Suzanne left me and then went back to my book.

I took my bath at 6:00PM and put my pajamas and robe on and plan to read some more before my 9:00PM bedtime.  

Next, I will dust everything in the apartment. I never did get that done today. It's 6:55PM now.

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