Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday and Rain

I slept pretty well until 2:00AM when the storm began. Then I noticed the breaking out on my arm and chest was spreading to my back and I woke up and got up and checked it out. I believe it is shingles. I had shingles once before in 1981 and it felt like stings and feels gaulded.  I am going to have to go see urgent care in the morning. Unfortunately the weather is in the middle of a thunderstorm right now here. I don't know whether it will be continuing as I try to drive over to Coffeyville to the doctor's office later this morning. I hate to get out in this storm. But the past three days this terrible rash has just got worse. I had not recognized it as shingles before this. I am pretty sure that is what this is. It is going to have to have medication of some kind. I have been putting antibiotic ointment on it but that has not helped at all.

Always something!

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and took a photo of it. Today is to be 83 degrees and partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 83 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 86 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 94 degrees and sunny, Friday is to be 97 degrees and sunny,  Saturday is to be 100 degrees and sunny and Sunday is to be 101 degrees and sunny. That's it..plenty hot especially in the last of the week when it will be in the 100's.

More Later... 

Leslie came over and visited awhile after she went to the bank..She had Mini and KiKi with her and they enjoyed browsing around my apartment. Then Leslie let them out in the back yard. Then they all left.

I did go over to Urgent Care and it's a good thing I did. I do have shingles. No wonder it woke me up at 2:00AM this morning. My left arm was hurting and it woke me up. I have a blotch of it in my left armpit and one on my back and one on my front. Aggravatingly enough!

More Even Later... 

I ended up just going to Eggbert's and having a sandwich and sweet iced tea. Then I stopped by Mr. G's and had a small butter pecan flurry. That was my dessert.

Then I came home and the air conditioning man called and came by. He added a half pound of Freon to the air conditioner unit and changed the batteries in the thermostat in the hall. They said "low". He also checked out the furnace. After he finished, it seemed to be working fine. I set it on 75 degrees. That doesn't seem to be  a problem for it.

I have been reading ever since he left. It's 3:50PM now.

More Later... 

I took two regular aspirin for the pain in my left arm. That didn't touch it.  So I went out to Dollar General and bought some Aleve.  On my way out of the store, I tripped over the little rise at the store's  doorway and fell right on my knees. Luckily, two people came right out and helped me back to my feet. One of them was the younger son of one of my old Caney friends, Sylvia Hill. Her younger son was Don Hill.  He helped me up and helped me to my car. It bloodied both of my knees. Again! That happened last fall at the Caney Market and they almost never healed. And they have been weak ever since. Now they are bandaged again with bandaids.

It's always something! 

It's 6:16PM now.


DrumMajor said...

Ouch, bummer! Ask when you can get the new more effective shingles vaccine. Linda in Kansas

Margie's Musings said...

I have to wait until I get over the shingles to get the shot.

Suemn said...

I hope your shingles don't hurt too much Margie. I'm so glad I got the newer shingles shot a few years ago. I'm sorry to hear about your fall. That's another thing that will take time to heal.