Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday and the yard mowed

I was up at my usual 4:00AM, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. 

My yard was mowed last evening. My landlord's grandson did it and he did a good job. My landlord did the trimming and kind of supervised. The grandson mows his grandfather's yard too. They work together well. I gave the grandson, Benton, a check for his work. I think this is going to work out fine. Jackson, the previous mower, just wasn't reliable. I never knew when he was coming and he didn't do a real good job. He didn't trim at all. Or if he did, it was a sloppy job. 

They are supposed to install my new air conditioner and furnace tomorrow. I will get my hair done and then come back home and see how it's going.

When I opened the front door this morning I had five cats waiting for their breakfast. There was Blondie and Grey and four kittens and the a little later, Whitey came too and I fed her.

Then I caught "the weather on the 8's"and here it is. Today is supposed to be 89 degrees and partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 94 degrees and sunny, and Wednesday is to be 94 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 94 degrees and mostly sunny., Friday is to be 5 degrees mostly sunny, and Saturday is to be 96 degrees and mostly sunny,  Sunday is to be 100 degrees and sunny and Monday is to be 100 degrees and mostly sunny! That's the week! Mostly sunny and partly cloudy! 

More Later..


1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

So happy you are pleased with the new yard tender.