Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Evening

It has been a very busy week. We left Wednesday afternoon for Independence, Mo. We got some Christmas shopping done Wednesday afternoon and Thursday and ate some great food. We so enjoyed Sally's Bed and Breakfast stay which she signed over to us as a gift. We stayed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night. We were served a great breakfast each day and had a lovely Victorian room in an old mansion. Thursday evening we met friends and attended a dinner theater in Overland Park.

Friday afternoon we took a bus tour of a plant in Kansas City that makes replacement parts for nuclear weapons. We picketed the plant and sang songs of protest. The old plant is still there on Bannister Road and they are building a brand new one south and west of the old one. Several hundred people have died from the berinium that pollutes the plant and several other hundreds of people are sick from the effects. Still the citizens of Kansas city continue to support it with their tax breaks. We sang protest songs while we were there and all the way back on the bus.

That evening we heard the keynote speaker, the mayor of Hiroshima, has worked to get hundreds of mayors world wide to sign a petition to eliminate nuclear weapons altogether.

The next morning we heard another keynote speaker and then attended several workshops to learn more about the effects of the bombs and the work done to try to get countries to eliminate any stockpiles of them.

Finally after another day of workshops, Saturday night we heard from a survivor of the Hiroshima blast. We drove home after that and got back home slightly after midnight.

I went to church this morning, did my letters this afternoon and went to the Living the Questions group this evening with Bob. We watched the last of our present DVD series and will start the new one next time.

I had a couple of men trim the tree in my front yard this afternoon. It is a Maple and every time the wind blows hard, some limbs fall out of it....usually in my neighbor's yard. I hope this fixes it.


Balisha said...

Sounds like you had a most interesting trip. The stay at the bed and breakfast sounded lovely. Hope you have a restful day.

Margie's Musings said...

I did, balisha. I had a wonderful time!