Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday Friday

I worked all day yesterday to try to make up for the extra days my office is taking off over the holidays. I am off today and will not be back to work until next Wednesday when I'll work all day again. I'll get my hair done this morning and then come back home and dust and vacuum the house. Bob and I will go up to Great China in Independence for lunch.

He came over about 6:00 last night and we had eggnog from Brahms and ginger cookies while we watched the "Lincoln Lawyer" on DVD. It was pretty good. I never could figure it all out. That makes it a good story.

We will take treats over to John and Leslie's tomorrow evening for the gift exchange. I will take some of my peanut clusters and he will take his holiday bread...I don't know which kind. He bakes several.

Keith called yesterday morning and we had a nice visit. Leslie has been staying in closer touch over the holiday. But I haven't heard much from Scott lately. He must be pretty busy. I wanted to tell him that Bob and I saw "Lincoln" at the movies last weekend. He wanted to be sure we did. It was a very good movie and will probably take many of the Oscars.

More later...

I called and talked to Scott about 11:00. He is getting ready to go to California on leave and spend some of the time with Jerod, his son, and his son's new wife. That will be good for him.

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