Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Hair Day

This is the day I get my hair colored and cut. It really is all out of shape. With all the humidity, it's been a mess too. It rained again last night and we have been warned of flooding. Bob is going to get a haircut too so he will go with me and we will leave early to be sure we can get through. We are also going to go the Tyro way to get there. It's ten miles out of our way but there is no place where we would run onto flooding that way. After our appointments, we will eat at Big Cheese.

I watched "The Civil War" by Ken Burns on PBS last night. There was nothing else decent on even though I had already seen it. Then this morning at 4:15 someone called me on a wrong number. Why anyone would want to call someone at 4:15 is beyond me. I did get back to sleep though. I slept until 5:05.

Bob and I will look at a notebook at Wal Mart in Independence this morning after lunch. He is thinking about getting online again. He only likes to surf the net and do e-mail and is not interested in doing anything with Microsoft Office. I think a notebook would serve that need and they are cheaper.

More later...

Bob and I did go to Independence for our hair appointments but before we did that we went to Wal Mart and he bought a Notebook PC from Wal Mart there. When we finished lunch at Big Cheese we came home and I configured it for him. It was very simple. It actually almost configured itself. I might like Windows 8 after all. When this laptop dies, I may buy one with Windows 8 after all.

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