Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday and Breakfast

This morning Bob and I will go up to Eggberts for breakfast. We do that on Saturday mornings.  Later today I will do some cleaning. I need to vacuum again. It's something to stay ahead of Missy's shedding.

I slept well last night. In fact, I slept through the night.  I must remember to take my blood pressure med this morning. I went off and forgot them when we went to Branson so it's been two days since I've had them.

I'm not sure what today will bring.  I want to write a letter to the property manager and send her letter back unsigned.  I am not agreeing to her list of proposals. I will try to get that in the mail today.

I got my letter ready to be mailed and ran it by Marilyn and Bob. Marilyn made a minor change and I now have it out on the mailbox for the mailman to pick up this afternoon.  I hope it does what I hope it will.  I sent her letter back unsigned. Marilyn has a letter ready to be mailed herself and is sending her property manager's letter back unsigned too. 

We'll see what happens.

We  are having tuna croquettes for lunch today with potato and veggie. Bob will bring a salad.  I have chocolate pudding and peanut butter cookies for dessert.

More later...

Lunch was good. Afterward I spent the afternoon reading. I am watching the news now. There are football games everywhere.   I have looked everywhere for the news. Not there is any good news anymore.

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