Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday and Christmas Shopping

I read most of the day yesterday and this morning I woke up at 2:00AM with a very bad back ache. It appears to be a muscle problem. Too much sitting, I guess. I got up at 3:30AM and took two Aleve. It's much better now.

Today I am going to try to finish my Christmas shopping and get things wrapped. It's almost 5:00AM now. I have had my oatmeal and coffee and will have my Chai soon. I will start shopping at Independence and get Marlene's gift. I already have the little girls gifts. I still have Jeromy's to get and John and Leslie's, Sage's and a little something for Bob Avery. Then I will need to get everything wrapped. I have plenty of paper and bows. I have been slower then ever before getting all this done. It's because I have no actual Christmas tree up this year...just the ceramic one my sister Phyllis made for me years ago. I do have the apartment decorated with everything else.  It's hard to get into the spirit of Christmas without an actual tree though. I gave mine to Debra for her new apartment. I also gave her all the decorations that go on it,  She was delighted. I am happy she can use it.

I also need to contact Kay at "Just Us" and get my name on her list for Christmas dinner there.  Leslie is on call Christmas and will probably be swamped with problem people. I don't know what she and John will do for Christmas. I will ask her about Christmas Eve, I could have that here if she will be available and fix some fancy breads and have eggnog to drink. 

More later....

I just texted Leslie and she is fine with me having Christmas Eve here. She will be on call but she will be here if she is free. I will have John and Jeromy and the little girls  too.  I will bake some nice breads, cookies and maybe make my peanut clusters. They say they will bring the Braums eggnog.

I will get into the spirit of Christmas now. :)

I went to Independence this morning and bought all my Christmas gifts, ate at Big Cheese and came back home and wrapped them all and put them in the living room. I ordered Sage's from Amazon. It will be here on the 16th. I will wrap it and then send it on to her. Hopefully she will get it by Christmas!

I got a nice Christmas card from my friend Myra who moved to Wyoming to be near two of her kids.  The older daughter lives in Indiana or somewhere up that way . I wrote Myra a Christmas letter and put it in a Hallmark Christmas card and got it out on the mailbox. Hopefully Michael will pick it up on Monday and send it off for me. Michael Estes is my mailman.

I have Alexa playing some Christmas music now. I am determined to get into the mood.

I ate a breakfast bar and had a little juice, Then I watched "Lucky Doy". I had recorded it this morning wanted to watch this afternoon. Then I watched the news on CBS and  am now watching channel 6 Tulsa news.

I  took my bath and put my pjs on at 7:00PM and I will watch "Murder She Wrote" if I can find another episode. I will go to bed early tonight, probably by 8:30PM  since I have been up so long.

1 comment:

Peter parker said...
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