Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday and A Forgotten Prescription

There I made  a trip to Independence yesterday to eat lunch buy my makeup and pick up a prescription at Walgreens. I ate my lunch, bought my makeup but in my haste to see the new puppies, I forgot to pick up my prescription. Darn! Luckily, I am not completely out of it. I will get it later.

I slept well last night and got up pretty early. I have had my oatmeal and coffee and am working on my Chai. I will need to pick up some more Chai when I go back to get that prescription.

It's only 12 degrees out there this morning. I dread to go out there to feed the cats. Maybe I will wait awhile. Poor little creatures out there in that cold.

More later....

I couldn't do it. I couldn't make them wait out there in that cold weather. I took enough food out for three cats. When they were finished I brought in the bowls.

I made another trip to Independence this afternoon to pick up that prescription I forgot.

When I got home the mail had come and I got a nice valentine from Keith and Esther.  That was sweet of them to think of me.

I read almost all afternoon and finished the second book. Now I only have one more to go before I go back to the library.

I also vacuumed this den room. I had left the door closed ever since the desktop computer died. So I hadn't vacuumed it either. But I did today. It's 2:40PM now.

Tomorrow the congregation will go to Bartlesville for our annual Valentine Dinner at noon.

More later....

I was watching Amazon Prime this afternoon and suddenly lost the internet. Cox Cable was working on my neighbor's cable and got mine by mistake. It took him awhile to get me back online. The box had water in it and my neighbor had lost his internet.

I was not a happy soldier!! I not only did not have cable but I had no internet either. Within 30 minutes or so, I had it back.

I finally had internet again and about 7:00PM, I took my bath and at 8:00PM,I went on to bed.

I had lost another classmate and I spent the evening bringing my records up to date. Out of 293 of us there are only 119 left that I know of. I have 147 lost to death and 27 who have not kept in touch over the years. Well,we will all be 85 this year so I guess we can't be surprised.


Donna. W said...

It got down to zero here this morning. It's been warming up all day, though, and isn't going to be much below freezing tonight.

Margie's Musings said...
