Saturday, February 8, 2020

Saturday and a Rough Night

I finally got to sleep but it took hours. I even ended up taking ZZQuil and even that took a long time to work. My sinus's drained and hurt under my right eye. What a night!

I got up about 6:30AM and got myself ready for the day. I dressed and had my breakfast. I even texted Bob later then usual and he may have thought I wasn't going to do it at all.

The cats may have given up on me too. There were only three out there when I finally looked to see how many were out there to eat. Both yellow cans and as always, gray mama cat.

I guess I will read again today. I have one last book to read.

More later....

I went up to the post office and dropped off a birthday card I had sent to Matthew. Then I came back home and read again and finished reading the third book this week. Monday, I will return these three and perhaps get some more.

I had fixed a Schwan's dinner for my lunch but that trip to the post office was all I had done to get out of the house..It's pretty out there but cold.

More later....

About 7:00PM, I took my bath and dressed my toe with a bandage. The nail is about half grown out. I will go on to bed about 9:00PM and I hope I sleep better then I did last night.

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