Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday and Cleaning Day

I will clean the apartment during the TV commercials as I usually do.

I slept well last night and did what the PA said when I woke up at 5:00AM. I sat on the edge of the bed and rotated my feet to get the blood flowing through my legs. It appears to have worked. I wasn't dizzy this morning.

I have had my breakfast and even my coffee and Chai. I fed five cats  this morning  although I didn't see Scruffie.  All the others were here. I also took them out some more water.

Today, at least this morning, I will clean the apartment again and later after noon, about 1:30PM, I will go pick up Nancy and we will go see the puppies. Her hair appointment is at 100PM. It's supposed to be nice today. The only rain in the forecast is Sunday. So, if it needs it by then, I'd better have the yard mowed on Saturday.

More later.


I see the Montgomery County count is still going up. 

Scruffie finally came to eat. It is nearly 7:00AM so it is surprising that there was any food left.,,,but there was. I had put plenty out there. I found that kitten food they really like at Wal Mart yesterday. They don't keep it at Dollar General here. Scruffie's black kitten and the yellow one are still out there eating too. 

My Schwan's order will be coming today..sometime this afternoon. I left the freezer bag out there just in case we are out at John and Leslie's checking out the puppies when he comes. He has my card number so I don't have to be here to pay for it. He is supposed to come sometime between 3:00PM and 7:00PM.

More later....

I got the bedroom and hall vacuumed while commercials are on the TV.. When the next series come on, I will do the living room and possibly the den.

I went back in the living room to watch the CBS news and commercials were still on  so I vacuumed the living room and den too. That's a terrible indictment against the CBS network.

It's back on now and it's 9:00AM

Scruffie's two kittens came for lunch while I was eating mine at noon so I fed them. Now I see Scruffie is here and so I took her out some food.

For the first time since I can't remember when I didn't get any mail. I always get some kind of mail even if its just junk....but not today. 

In about 15 minutes, I will go to pick up Nancy to go out and see the puppies. Hopefully she got in and out of her hair appointment. John is leaving the gates open for us so we can get in to see them. Leslie is working and he is probably delivering his product too. But in another week or so, they will begin delivering them and we won't get to see them anymore. 

The are just darling! These are Cowboy Corgis. They are a cross between a Blue Heeler and a Corgi and have a little longer legs. Scott and Ginger have one of those for a previous litter. I believe Sarge is over a year old now.

More later....

I picked up Nancy at 1:30PM and we went out to John and Leslie's to see the puppies. I gave one to Nancy to hold and she fell in love with one of the little brown ones that snuggled up around her neck and she wanted to buy one. After John came and told her that one was sold she must have had second thoughts about it. She now wants to think about it, She has allergies and she was also concerned that it might aggravate her allergies. I think if the dog had been the one she cuddled, she might have given him a deposit. I got her back home at 4:30PM.

We will eat out Monday or Tuesday....probably at Eggberts.

Her cousin and his wife would have a fit, of course. They kind of look after her. At least they check in on her every day.

I am watching the 4:00PM news now and it's 4:45PM . Soon the 5:00PM news will be on.

More later...I am going to have a banana.

I had my banana and then read the rest of my book "Rage" about Trump. Keep in mind all the interviews on on tape...recorded....Trump fully allowed that. Woodward's book is a classic.... and it is classic Trump. At least every word is recorded.

I took my bath after that at... 7:30PM. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM, as usual.

I downloaded another free book from Amazon. I will not start that until Saturday because tomorrow is Gay's birthday dinner and I am doing to drive to Chanute for that. I need to be at Opie's at I will leave fairly early.

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