I slept well again last night although I am a little concerned about the idea of Suzanne and Steve selling the duplex. I am afraid the new owner will raise the rent. Suzanne is also concerned about the renter next door having a dog in his apartment. She is going to inspect his apartment and if he is keeping a dog there, she will ask him to move. I have seen two different dogs in the back yard over the past weeks. The first one was a medium sized spotted one but the one I saw a couple of weeks ago was a large black one. He is in violation of his lease.
I will be going up to Independence about 11:00AM to meet Gay and Adele for lunch at Ana Mae's at 11:30AM. It's been awhile since I have seen them. While I am there I will go by their Walmart and get some more breakfast bars. I have plenty of oatmeal. I think that's all I need. I have had my morning oatmeal and coffee and will get my Chai soon.
And I need to check out "the weather on the 8's" and see if there are any hungry cats out there. So..more later...
There were only two cats out there...Blondie and Inky. I fed them and checked their water supply too.
It's almost 8:00AM now. I notice we are supposed to have rain today. It's Spring...I guess I should expect that. I won't be leaving for Independence until 11:00AM. I am waiting for the CBS news now.
So, more later...
Leslie called me this morning and asked me to call the congregation to tell them we will get to open the church again on Sunday. I worked on that until after 11:00AM. I am supposed to meet Gay at Independence for lunch at 11:30AM. I left a little late but still got there in good enough time. Adele wasn't feeling real good so she decided to just stay home this time. Gay and I had a good visit and I got home in time to continue working on my calls. Then I printed off a couple of directories with the changes that happened this last month. Kim got married and moved away and Bob Avery passed away.
I worked on everything until 4:45PM when I decided to stop and watch the news.I will have a banana for my supper. At 7:00PM I decided to go over to Nancy's and take her the rest of the candy I brought home from Game Day yesterday. She shared some of it with Laura. I stayed until 9:30PM and then came home to take my bath and read until I feel like going to bed....probably around 10:30PM or so.
Well be wonderful for you to gather again.
Yes, it will!!
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