Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday and Laundry

I was up at almost 5:00AM this morning and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I checked out the front door but there were no cats out there yet. I started my laundry and I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it is. 

Today is to be 68 degrees and partly cloudy, Tomorrow is to be 68 degrees and sunny. Saturday is to be 69 degrees and sunny,  Sunday is to be 75 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 81 degrees and mostly sunny and windy, Wednesday is to be 48 degrees and mostly sunny, That's the rain...mostly sunny.

I will work on reading my first library book today. I may call Sally later and see if she wants to go to Independence for lunch. But Leslie is supposed to come today sometime and install the cartridges for my Canon printer and  put a fresh filter in my Kerig. That's more important.

I have the laundry in the washer and when it finishes washing I will put it in the dryer.

I opened the front door and Blondie was finally out there waiting for his breakfast so I fed him. He is wolfing that wet cat food down now. He has finished and left so I took his bowl back in the house. I don't want it carried off again.

 More Later.

I have the laundry in the dryer now! 

It took awhile but it is dried and put away.


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