Saturday, April 13, 2024

Saturday and More Mowing

 It's 8:33AM now and all I have is "the weather on the 8's". I slept later this morning then usual. it was 6:30AM until I woke up. I went back to my last book and am waiting until later to start my mowing. I don't want to disturb my neighbor's sleep.

So far, there are no cats out there. They may have given up on least so far. 

Here's the weather...Today is to be 84 degrees and mostly sunny and windy, Sunday is to be 86 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 81 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Tuesday is to be 81 degrees and AM thunderstorms and wind, Wednesday is to be 80 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 64 degrees and mostly cloudy, Friday is to be 62 degrees and AM showers . That's the week! Two days of rain...Tuesday and Friday.

So far, no cats and no mowing until later this morning...

I mowed the back yard this morning and the west side just now. It's 3:44PM now.

I went over to Tyro to Jay's and bought two Amish pies for tomorrow's dinner at pecan and one peach, He didn't have any cherry today.

I have not seen any cats but Whitey all day. I did go up to have lunch with Joyce and  Roger, They had a great pork sandwich and I had a can of coke and chips with it.

I am pretty sweaty now. The mowing was very sweaty. I will get back to my last book now. I am also very tired! But at least for a week the mowing is done. I do have to trim sometime after I cool off.

More Even Later...  

Sometime tomorrow after church and the dinner I will trim around the yard. The rest is done for a week.

I took my bath at 7:30PM and put my pajamas on. I will read a John Grisham book until Monday when I can go to the library and get a couple more books. It's 8:04PM now. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM. I am very tired....quite  bit of mowing today.


Kay said...

Well, your weather now is like ours in Hawaii. Have a great weekend, Margie.

Galla Creek said...

That yard work is never done though. Just like sweeping the floor, you’ll have to do it all over soon!