Then I drove over to Cherryvale and checked at the hardware store there. They carry everything. I was also looking for a birdbath for my little patio. They usually have some cute ones. They were completely out. So I drove back to Independence and looked at their Independence store. They too were completely out. I even checked at Wal Mart and they were also completely out. I was about to give up when I remembered Sayers Ave Hardware's gift shop. They had just what I was looking for so I bought it. It's heavy metal and has a small bird on it. I will take a photo of it and post it here.

As you can see there's also some leaves and other stuff in the photo. We had a bad storm last night and I slept through the entire thing. This morning when I went out, there were leaves and twigs everywhere and my plant stand was dumped over and the large plant was laying on it's side in the grass. I cleaned that up but will not rake the mess up until it dries later. Here's a photo of the mess. You may not be able to see it all in this photo. I will take another of the front of my carport later.

When I went out this morning, it was still dark. It was slightly after 5:00 AM. I wanted to see if the foxes would come out after the storm. I was just looking when a gunshot went off. The fox, which I had not yet located, ran very quickly back into the woods at the end of our street.
Missy went out with me. She is getting braver all the time. She wandered over across the way to Marilyn's. She heard a bird and that intrigued her.
I will go with Bob to exercise class this morning. Then I will come back home and fix our lunch. We are having chicken tenders today. I will fix those leftover boiled potatoes and we will have the other roasting ears of corn and applesauce and cottage cheese. I do not have dessert out yet but we will have some strawberries with shortcake for dessert.
I am washing some bathmats and towels this morning. I will stop here and put them in the dryer.
I took some more photos of the storm mess around my apartment.
This is the mess between our apartments.

Then there is this just to the east of my apartment.

Then this is where I generally sit out in the morning and watch for birds and foxes. That's my old bath mat on one wet chair.

After exercise class, I cleaned up the mess in my yard. While I was at it, I cleaned up my neighbor's yard too. Then I came in and drank a glass of water. I needed to be hydrated.
Bob and I have decided to have the chicken tomorrow and to go over to Just Us for lunch today. I am always up for going over there.
We will be going to Kansas City on August 21st for a show. We will go by bus with a group of seniors. We will see The Buddy Holly Story. Bobby and Karan are going too. We paid for the trip after exercise class this morning.
Bob will be ready to leave for lunch in about twenty minutes. I'd better get dried off!
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