Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday Again

It's Thursday again and I'm going to have my hair done again this morning at 9:15 before we leave tomorrow morning for Branson. Yesterday's humidity did it in. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow but I don't think that forecast includes Branson.

I cleaned and cleaned on the yard yesterday and got it mostly cleaned up. Merrill came over with his mower in the late afternoon and blew the remaining leaves into the ditches.

We decided to go to Just Us yesterday so I will cook our chicken today after I return from Independence. We also went to the Condon Bank and paid our registration for the play in Kansas City.

I woke up at 2:00 this morning and had a time getting back to sleep. Then I awoke again at 4:00 and finally went back to sleep until 5:15. Then I got up. I was over tired from all that raking and bending yesterday. But, miraculously, my arms did not bother me last night. It may be that the entire problem was inflammation. It's too early yet to make that decision though.

More later...

I went out to church to run the bulletins and take our backpacks out so I wouldn't have to deal with that after I returned from Branson.

Now to start dinner....

Our dinner turned out fine. Now I must pack for the trip.

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