Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday and Packing for Conference

I slept well last night. I took three melatonin when I went to bed and when I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom, I took two more. I slept until 6:00AM, later then usual. I had my breakfast and dressed for the day and started my packing.  Suzanne told me she takes five every night.  So I ended up taking five myself. But I slept well. I read another article in Web MD at the beauty shop which told me the same thing I had read in Consumer's report. That's that the TV, computer, and smart phone and these new light bulbs all emit a blue light which destroys the melatonin in our bodies and keeps us from sleeping well.

I am definitely taking my melatonin with me to conference with my meds I want to be able to sleep.

Nancy came by this morning after I got most of my packing done and asked me to go to lunch with her. We went out to Eggberts.  Afterward we went to the library and I returned my books. Then we rode around the town and looked at the houses that needed to be razed. We also stopped and visited briefly with Sandy, Dick's widow.

Then she brought me home. I will vacuum and then finish packing.

I had hoped to get my yard mowed before I left but it rained last night so that isn't going to happen.

I do need to vacuum though so I will get back to this later...

I got the apartment vacuumed and everything done except notifying the post office to hold my mail until a week from Saturday. By the time I remembered to notify them, they had just closed.  I will run by there in the morning before I drive up to John and Leslie's. I went by the Dollar General store and got some Mira Lax to take with me.

I watched Dateline until bedtime and then took my bath and went on to bed at 9:00PM.  I was very tired.

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