Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday and Coffeecake and Church

I got up at my usual 5:00AM and had my oatmeal and coffee and Chai after I got myself ready for the day.  I had two and then three cats here for breakfast. Mama cat was first and then Yellow Tom and the young Tom. I fed them and watched while they did that. I brought the bowls in when they were finished.  Then I made my coffeecake. It is cooling now and I will put an icing or glaze on it after it is cool.

I see by the news that Trump has threatened Iran that we have targeted 52 Iranian sites if they retaliate. He is going to fool around throwing his weight around and get us into an atomic war. This from a man that dodged the draft himself.

More later...

I have the coffee cake iced and now the cake for Tuesday is cooling. That cake goes to the First Christian Church in Independence, KS. for their Tuesday evening dinner. He and Karan and Phyllis will also have cakes.  Bob will take them all up there on Tuesday. If this cake cools and I can get it iced I will take it to church this morning and freeze it. He can then pick it up on his way to Independence on Tuesday.

More even later....

I got the cake out of the oven and after it cooled I iced it.  I took it to the church and put it in the freezer. We had a smaller then usual attendance because at least at least five of our number were gone. Two texted me and told me they were on their way to Wichita. The other three, I don't know about.

I took my car and four of us went to "Just Us" in Cherryvale for lunch. We had a good well rounded $10.00 lunch there, complete with dessert as usual.

Afterward I took the others back to their cars at church and came on back home.

I got the congregational newsletter done and in the e-mail. I had five I needed to put in my mailbox with the flag up so the mailman would pick them up tomorrow. That job is finished for another week.

More even later...

I went over to Nancy's later in the  afternoon and took her the two pieces of coffeecake I saved for her. I gave the rest to Kelly.

I read all evening.  I bought the book called "Wonder". It was written by a boy who has a very rare condition that makes the face all scrambled up from birth. It is called Treacher Collins syndrome and  I saw a TV show recently about another boy who had it and his experience.  I then decided to buy the book. They have  a very difficult life because of this terrible disfigurement.

I finally put the book down about 7:00PM and took my bath and at 8:30PM I went on to bed. 

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