Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday and No Plan for the Day

I slept pretty well last night and got up about 5:00AM. I got myself ready for the day. I had my breakfast and coffee and am working on my chai now.

Yesterday evening I went ahead and did the rest of the dusting so everything is done now.

I opened the door to Scruffie and her two kittens and the yellow adolescent cat. I took their food out through the garage so I wouldn't have to be careful about them getting into the apartment. I see the little yellow kitten is peering in the front door to me. It does that quite often.

I am out of the flavored oatmeal that Suzanne gave me. When I next go to Dollar General I will see if they carry it. I enjoy the cinnamon flavor.

I finished my book last evening so I am back to reading one on the Kindle.

More later...

I went out to Dollar General before lunch and bought the four things on my grocery list. Then I came back home and ate my lunch.,,one of my frozen meals. Then I had my ice cream bar too.

I played FreeCell for awhile and also watched some Prime TV ("Dr. G"). I also watched some Dateline programs I had recorded.

Then I trimmed the hedge and fed Big Yellow Tom cat, who came for a late lunch, He laid down on the sidewalk and enjoyed the sunshine.

I am trying to see if  Krystal or one of her girls can mow for me tomorrow evening. I am afraid it will rain if I don't get it done by tomorrow evening.

1100 new cases and six new deaths of the virus in Oklahoma overnight. They are in the red zone. I have not been down to Bartlesville since February except last week to have the oil changed in my car. Oklahoma is scary. They do not generally wear face masks or keep their spacing distance. No one at the dealership  wore a face mask. They just acted like it was just another day. I will not get my oil changed there next time. I will get it done in Coffeyville.

More later....

I guess I will go take my bath.  Channel 6 news is back on and they are just repeating the same news they gave at 4:00PM. It is 6:10PM now.

More even later...


marlu said...

I will have to try the cinnamon. I really like the peach. Krogers have it here.

Margie's Musings said...

The Dollar General store here had it. I really like it! I will have to try the peach.

Galla Creek said...

Dover, AR is like Oklahoma. When my friend and I stopped there to get gas, no masks not signs on door...nothing. I wanted to report them, but I was afraid they might do something really bad to me. Churches around there partly did same. Well. Virus has passed through many of those some may die. Some people are just dumb.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I will never understand why some people won't wear a mask. They could be saving someone's life including their own. It is sad that the virus then spreads to other people who have been taking every precaution they can, but somehow still get the virus from people who caught it by refusing to wear a mask.