Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday and Online Church Again

I got up at at 5:00AM after resting well. I made up my bed and also myself. Then I had my breakfast and when I opened the front door I found five very hungry cats/kittens. I took their food out through the garage. One of them had been sick just next to the hedge by the front door so I took a jar of water and the broom out and washed it up and cleaned it up. Then I put their food down for them. Most of them have eaten quickly and left but a couple of the yellow cats are still eating.

I will watch church at Ontario Canada at 11:00AM this morning and I imagine they will have the Springfield service this evening too at 7:00PM If so, I will watch that too. I always sing along with the hymns.

I went out to bring in the food bowls and the little yellow kitten was waiting by the hedge for her/his food and so was Scruffie. Three of them, Scruffie, the yellow kitten and even the black kitten are still eating out of that one bowl.....that is the kittens are... and Scruffie is drinking water. I guess I will leave that bowl out there awhile longer. I may take the double dish out there since the ants can't get into it. And the little yellow kitten always stands by the door after eating and stares in at me.

More later...

I got the outside flowers all watered and deadheaded and have been reading in my new book most of the morning. The name of it is "Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth" It is written by the Fact Checker Staff at the Washington Post. According to the subtitle  It examines "The President's Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies". It's amazing.

I came into the den after my eyes got tired and played some games of FreeCell on the laptop computer.

At 11:00AM I will watch the church services at Toronto Canada. Their address is

The service begins at 11:00AM

They are taking a break from live services online and have pre recorded some to give their staff a break.

More later...


Galla Creek said...

So glad you are still doing online church. Where I live the virus is spreading through any churches. They ignore the rules saying God will protect us. They are seeing that God wants us to act wisely. A teacher who taught at Laura’s school died yesterday. She was only 57. My friend the Walmart greeter died a few weeks ago. Be careful Margie.

Galla Creek said...

Many churches

Margie's Musings said...

I will Sister-Three. When I go out, I wear a face mask and stay at least 6 feet away from anyone else. You be careful too and stay safe! My world church closed all our churches until this pandemic is over...if it ever is. The young are so careless. They think they are not vulnerable. Most of our new cases are between 20 the 40.