Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday and Another Boring Day

I slept poorly last night. I was awake at least four or five times and then each time I had trouble getting back to sleep. I had foot cramps at first and I got up and took a med for that and finally got back to sleep. But it was up and down the rest of the night.

I had my breakfast and then fed the cats/kittens. There were five waiting for me to come out with their dishes. Scruffie was one of them and her two kittens and the yellow adolescent cat. The only ones still out there are the kittens and then a large dog came by to eat their food and I went out and chased it away but Scruffie's kittens are long gone. She is being very cautious now and trying to finish her breakfast, Yellow adolescent is back now too...very cautious. Big Yellow Tom is now eating too.

I am watching the CBS Saturday news now. Maybe I will call Nancy later and see if she would like to go to Independence and have lunch. She doesn't wake up until half the morning is gone.

So more later....

I heard from Krystal and she says one of her girls wil come mow for me today. Good! It really needs it today. It's too wet now but later in the day it will be fine.

Also, I notice Scruffie is getting rounder and I think she is pregnant again.

I was going to visit Nancy but when I called she said she was still sick to her stomach. So I will stay home.

I had a frozen meal for dinner and an ice cream bar for desert.  I watched two episodes of Forensic Files on Amazon Prime.

More later...

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading and playing a computer game.

Bob Avery called me in the afternoon and asked me if I was watching CNN. It seems they were playing a tape of a conversation between Trump's niece and his older sister. His older sister was simply castigating him for all his lies.  I told him I don't get CNN at all but I will read the book written by her.

A book by that sister, who was a retired judge, will be out on Tuesday of this week and I will have a copy of it on September 2nd.

I took my bath at 7:00PM and went to bed at 9:0PM

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