Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday and Laundry

I slept well last night and although I woke up twice in the night to go to the bathroom, I slept until 6:00AM, something very rare.

I got myself and everything ready for the day. I had my and fed four cats. Scruffie and her two kittens had breakfast and the yellow adolescent cat came too. They are gone now but I left the double dish out there just in case more cats come. Ants can't get into that dish. The other two bowls are in the sink soaking. I try to wash them every day.

I will do some laundry this morning. Basically it will be my towels and underwear. Everything else is basically done until Thursday, which is cleaning day.

Right now I am waiting for the 8:00AM CBS news. I will start the laundry right now.

I have the laundry in now and will continue watching the CBS  news while it dries.

So more later....

I got the laundry dried and folded and put away. Then after the CBS news is over I water my outside plants deadhead them and sweep off the grass on the little patio out there.

I fixed myself a few glasses  of sugarless punch and turned on my Amazon Prime on TV. I watch an episode or two of  "Dr. G" . I find that program very interesting.

I want to stay home today. Fed X has contacted me twice trying to deliver a package. He has texted about not finding me home to deliver it. His text says his name is Ted. This time I told him by return text that I would be home all day. This could be spam but it could be legit too. I will just have to stay around and see.

More later....

I watched some Amazon Prime ("Dr. G Medical Examiner") for awhile and then played some FreeCell for awhile and finally read some more in my new book about Trump. I am staying home so the package from Red X can be delivered  (if that is not a scam) So far I haven't heard a word out of him. I tried to trace the package with my phone but that didn't work. I also tried to call the number he used and that went to a voicemail that had not been set up. I would almost bet money it is a scam.

Anyhow I have piddled around all day waiting.  More later...

I was gone 15 minutes to the Dollar General store for four things in groceries.  Evidently Fed X didn't come while I was gone.

Big Yellow Tom was waiting for me to come home. He was hungry and wanted some food. Little Yellow kitty was here too so I took another bowl out for it. Big Yellow Tom does not share like the the kitten's mother does.

I am watching the Channel 6 news now and will stay on TV to catch the CBS evening news at 5:00PM.

I watched TV until the CBS news went off and then took my bath and later played some FreeCell and then watched Amazon Prime until bedtime at 9:00PM or shortly after.

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