Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday and Online Church

I slept well last night and got up early again this morning and got myself ready for the day. I ate my breakfast and fed the cats/kittens after I had mine.

I have checked my e-mail and noticed that so far at least the desktop computer is holding the signal. Evidently moving the router in front of the TV screen was the answer.

At 11:00AM I will watch the Toronto Canada online service. It is a sacrament service so I will need to prepare my bread and juice.  Every first Sunday of the month we have our communion service...even when it's online.

More later...

I went up to Independence  to buy groceries and stopped by John and Leslie's to give them a Chinese dinner that I bought from Schwans that was too large for one.

Then I went on to Independence and bought my groceries and then came back home.

I watched the news and will watch  60 Minutes now.


Image may contain: cat 

 John, my son in law cropped this photo for me.  It looks a lot better now!

Notice the yellow cat guarding his/her cat food. Usually when they finish  eating I take the food in the house but this feral cat is guarding the food now.

Back to 60 Minutes....When 60 Minutes is over I will watch the evening service from Springfield Missouri.

I did watch the evening service on Zoom and my daughter was in charge. She did a great job presiding. It was a good service. I had to watch it on te desktop computer though. I would have had a much better photo if I could have use dthe laptop but it was a tint screen and the maximize buttem was greyed out and I couldn't get a large enough screen to use it.

Oh well, no big deal. I still had the one on the desktop. With the window behind me though, the picture was faded.

After that was over, I watched some Amazon Prime and then went to bed at 9:30PM. I had had my bath earlier just before 6:00PM.

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