I slept well last night and only woke up once in the night to go to the bathroom. I got up at my usual 5:00AM. I made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I had my coffee and oatmeal and a breakfast bar and am about ready for my Chai.
I noticed this morning that I have lost three pounds in the past three or four weeks. If I can lose three or four more I will be happy. I don't want to lose too much or it will come right off my face instead of my waist.
Of course, when I opened the front door I have five cats/kittens waiting for their breakfast. So I took out the double dish for the kittens and two blue bowls and one square one for the older cats. This morning they let me out without having to go out through the garage. They moved away from the front door...I guess because they wanted to get their breakfast faster.
I need to do some laundry this morning. I am out of underwear and I need to wash my towels too.
I talked to Suzanne yesterday and she will come let the flooring people in the apartment if they want to come that Wednesday morning on the 14th. I have two appointments on that Wednesday morning so she will need to do that unless they come in the afternoon. I will be home in the afternoon. Suzanne needs to let the plumber in too because they will need to take up the commode so they can lay the flooring under it in the bathroom. The plumber may need to turn off the water for the washer too so they can move the washer and dryer out to install the flooring in that space as well. I told her I would like to have the rug in the den put in the dining room so I will roll it up and put it in the living room. I have formal dining room furniture and would rather have a rug under that then linoleum. I still have another week and a half until I need to be concerned about that. I will move anything small that I can move and the flooring people will move all the appliances and the dining room furniture.
More later...
I have put the laundry in the dryer. I have fed the cats a couple of times and they continue coming back to check if there is food available. I have brought all the bowls in anyhow. They can wait until evening for a supper.
It's 9:12AM and I have no plans for the day after the news is over. Many seem to be aware that the public is not getting the full story on Trump's condition. They are still concerned about where so many got infected. They suspect it was when he announced his choice for the Supreme Court. Several people there at that occasion have developed the virus. Not only were they outside without face masks but there was also an inside reception afterward.
The laundry is finished, folded and put away. That's the size of the work I will do here. Now I will either read or rake. I doubt I will rake since that seems pretty futile. I have done it twice and both times the neighbor's leaves blew back over that yard again.
The more I looked at those leaves the more I wanted to try to mow them to get rid of them....at least the front yard... which is the worst. I put some gas in the mower and started to mow. I made two rounds around the front yard and was winded so I put away the mower and I guess I will just have to live with the way it looks. Disgusting! Last year I could have done it but all this sitting around this year has taken it's toll....on me.
Today I got the bill for the eye exam from last week. It was $35.00. That was for my part of the initial exam (total of $100) and the set of new contacts she fitted me with. I wrote her a check for that $35.00 part, After she orders the new monthly contacts, I will owe more. I don't know what she will charge for those. Roger, I am sure, gave me a break..
I watched the helicopter bring Trump back to the White House. He came off the helicopter with his face mask on but when he got on the balcony for a photo opt he took it off. Then after several minutes, he turned and walked into the White House.without the face mask on and met with several people in that foyer. This man has an active case of Coronavirus and does not have the most basic protection on in the presence of others. He never stops amazing me with his utter disregard for others in the most dangerous circumstances, He just keeps doing these things..
More later....
It's 6:30PM and I am going to go take my bath. After that, I will read or watch Amazon Prime programming and go to bed at 9:00PM.
My 3 dead friends might be alive if they had gotten this special treatment. He played down virus again today. Now, he is an expert he says. Since, I know 3 personally who have died, it made me sick to my stomach.
I could not believe him standing there saying "Don't let Covid dominate you."
"Dominate!", it doesn't just dominate, it kills. I think the steroid is affecting his mind. In my opinion , he never did show good judgement, but now,he seems to have no judgement or sense at all. I hope he wasn't contagious when he debated Biden. The White House is being awfully slippery about saying the date that Trump last tested negative.
He can't even imagine what hospitalization is like for regular working class people, or how long in a crowded hospital a patient can end up waiting for help with basic needs. He lives like a king on our tax dollars and pays an extremely tiny amount of taxes himself. The hospital suite that I caught a glimpse of on TV tonight was plush. I wonder what the hospital bed is like? Is it even a hospital bed? I bet there are nurses standing by for whatever pops into his head that he needs. I couldn't believe they even let him go joy riding, to wave at his "fans". While he endangered the Secret Service Agents on a whim.
Meanwhile, regular Americans laying sick in hospitals, suffering with Covid, suffer and die alone unable to see their loved ones. The special medicines that Trump received are not available to them. So they have no choice, and fighting as hard as they can to live, Covid does "dominate" them anyway, until it kills. They don't "let" it dominate them. The President's words trigger my temper every time he speaks. My husband and I are taking our ballots to the ballot box this week. Guess who we are not voting for.
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