Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday and Church Online

I woke up at 3:00AM with my shot arm hurting. I couldn't sleep without getting up and taking some Aleve. Then I got  back to sleep until 5:00AM when I got up and dressed, made my bed and put my face on. Then I went into the den and checked my e-mail and finally fixed my breakfast of oatmeal, cranberry grape juice and a breakfast bar with coffee and then Chai.

After that, I checked on the cats to be fed. There were four out there....two yellow ones, Inky and what do you know! Scruffie was there. luckily I had put several bowls out there..the double dish which the siblings eat from without conflict. That left three bowls for the other two yellow cats and Scruffie. I was so glad to see Scruffie. I was afraid she might have had a fatal accident.

I am watching the channel 6 news now. I haven't even checked the "weather on the 8s" yet. There was a touch down of a tornado at South Coffeyville last evening during the tornado warning.  That's about three miles south of Coffeyville into Oklahoma. I haven't heard of any problem though. It appeared to be in a field when the news showed it. One of the channel 6 storm spotters videoed it touching down.

Scruffie appears to have eaten and left out there. The only ones left there are the siblings Inky and Blondie. The others have eaten and left.

At 11:00AM I will check the Ontario Canada worship service and this evening, at 6:00PM, I will watch the Springfield, Missouri one. Other then that, I don't have  a plan for the day except to continue reading. I am thawing the other soup Suzanne gave me for my lunch. I still have cheddar cheese and crackers too and some more punch to go with it. That will be good. 

The only other news I have is that while I was dressing this morning, a sound of a loud cricket  sounded. That critter is still there. He has just been quiet the past week.

More later.. 

It's almost 9:00AM now.  I have been watching CBS news for awhile. Soon I will watch Face the Nation next. I am a news nut. 

So..more later.. I watched Face the Nation and then went back to my Kindle book. About 3:00PM, I went out to Dollar General and bought about $20.00 worth of groceries and then dropped by Nancy's house to call her. I let the phone ring 5 times but she never picked up. She is probably sleeping again. David's rental car was gone. He was leaving either yesterday or today to  go back to South Carolina. 

He was not able to convince her to go into a nursing home in Bartlesville...again. I convinced him they were death traps during this pandemic. The one he tried to put her in last year had 27 deaths from the Covid19.

I went by later again and this time I not only called but also rang the doorbell three times. Then I taped a note on her front door. I was never able to raise her so I gave up.

I went home and put away my groceries. Then I read the rest of the afternoon and finished that book.

I downloaded another three books.

About 6:00PM, I logged onto the Springfield worship service. Afterward, I took my contact out and took my bath and put my robe on and came in the living room to watch 60 Minutes. 

I had recorded it since the church service started at 6:00PM and so does 60 Minutes.

It's 8:38PM now and I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.


Donna. W said...

Scruffie just wants to worry us. And that cricket likes to worry YOU!

Margie's Musings said...

You are so right!! I heard from it just that one time today and I plan to go to bed in my own bed tonight and hope I don't hear from him again tonight. If I do,I will have to go in the den and pull that trundle out from under the bed again.

We will see.