Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday and Dusting

I slept fitfully last night.I had a backache and I got up and took some Aleve for that. Then I had foot cramps and I took some  Hyland's Restful Legs for that. I finally got back to sleep and slept until 6:00AM, which is late for me. I am having my breakfast now and it's 6:45AM. I haven't yet checked on the weather or the cats. I know it rained last night because I heard the lightning while I was getting back to sleep. My only chore today is the dusting. 

It must have rained hard because the hanging plant in the back has lost a lot of it's flowers. I will have to go out and sweep them up after a while. I haven't yet checked on the one in the front. It may look bad too. I will go do that now and get back to this later.

Looks like rain the next three days. The hanging plant in the front looked just as beat as the one in the back. Pitiful!

The only cat that came for breakfast was Scruff. She ate and left. Actually she lay under the hedge on the cool wet ground.  I took the food in twice. I am trying to get her to eat her fill at one time so I won't have to leave that food out  there. 

An hour later Blondie came to eat so I had to put the cat food back out there for him. When he finished, I took it back into the garage and covered it. I don't want the flies in that cat food. They are so nasty.

I will stay in today and work on my puzzle. It will rain most of the day and I just washed my car on Wednesday. Actually it hasn't rained all day...just last night. It is to rain the next three days..probably at night.

Suzanne and Steve are taking a break and going to be gone for a week. She told me about it yesterday. She is going to ask my next door neighbor to find another apartment before December 1st, when his lease is over. She has asked him to keep his son's dog in the garage but he evidently ignores her because I see him letting it out in the back yard to pee. He keeps it in the den evidently. Also he doesn't mow weekly and that is in his lease. He waits until it just looks terrible and mowing weekly is in his lease too. Too bad. He just does his own thing.

I have been working on my puzzle for a couple of hours now and I think this one is the hardest one I have ever done. Karan gave it to me and she got it done so surely I can do it too.:) (although I wouldn't bet on it.)

I am taking a break now and having my lunch.

More later... 

I got out and trimmed the yard this afternoon. The baskets are looking better since the sunshine came out. I cleaned them up the best I could but the sunshine made them look much better.

We were notified today that Montgomery County is now in the red zone again so we will not be having church in the building again.  

I am to give the benediction on Sunday evening for our Mission Center Zoom worship service. I will watch Toronto's "Beyond the Walls" service on Sunday morning. 

Leslie was supposed to have notified everyone of the change. I hate that we won't be in a building again.  I miss the fellowship. I contacted Phyllis Fredensborg. She has a part time job and I called her store to tell her. This is mostly because so many people won't get vaccinated and the Delta strain is spreading like wildfire everywhere.

More later... 

I read until 7:00PM when I took my bath and the at 9:00PM, I went on to bed.


Galla Creek said...

All those none vaccers are selfish people I think.

Donna. W said...

Our little rural county is really having a lot of people sick. It's scary! We aren't supposed to have rain for a few days, I think. We did get some last night though.

Kay said...

Our COVID numbers are going up in Hawaii too and we also have those vaccine hesitant people here which is ruining it for everybody. I'm sorry you're suffering from all those pains, Margie. I hope it all gets better.