Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday and a Mess

I slept poorly last night. I woke up several times in the night primarily about the laptop battery situation. The factory outlet store I ordered the second one from contacted me before I went to bed and said my living address was different from the mailing address I got my bank statements from and I needed to contact the bank and get that remedied before they could fill my order. I got out my bank statement and that was not true. Those statements come to this address where I live. I corrected them and told them they were mistaken and if they didn't want my business, they could just cancel the order. I will just leave the laptop plugged in. I don't need any more hassle after yesterday.

The only good thing about yesterday is that I got my dusting done. I even took everything out of the curio cabinets and dusted them and the inside of the cabinets too. I also kept the flowers watered morning and evening.

The Kindle is fully charged again now so now I will read again. I will need to download three more books from Amazon first.

I have had my breakfast and am working on my coffee now.

I will go check the weather and the cat situation. Back to this later....

I checked out the weather and it looks like we may have five days of rain over the weekend. There were two cats, Blondie and Scruff, out there for breakfast.I go them fed and when they were finished I brought in the cat food. I watched the CBS news and also watered the hanging plants while that was going on. Most of it was old news anyhow. I put the solar kitty out to catch some rays while the sun in shining. 

Then I had one of my chicken pot pies for lunch and one of Dean's diet cokes he left for me. 

I got my new Consumer's Report magazine in my mail and read most of that. About 1:15PM, I tried to call Nancy but she must be sleeping.  She sleeps to evade stress of worrying about David, her son. I let it ring 5 times but no one answered. I may drive over there and try from out front.  I haven't seen her in several days..what with the dealing with the laptop computer battery and all.

More later...

I got hold of Nancy at 1:15PM and went over to visit with her. We decided to take a ride since she had not been out of the house in days. We drove up to Independence and all around Independence and enjoyed a lovely day.  I got back home at 4:20PM.

Nancy talked with David briefly this afternoon and Teresa, his wife, is going to make arrangements for Nancy to go out to North Carolina to visit them..perhaps for a week. She is going to ask Dale, her cousin, to go with her. If he can, he will take them to Tulsa to catch a plane. I will know more later...I will go watch the news right now and eat a banana for my supper. I will also check on the cats again. They may come back for supper.

More later...

Only Blondie came  back for supper this evening. I fed him and then when he was finished, I took the food back in the garage and covered it.

 I watched PBS for awhile and then turned to the evening CBS news.

I watched the CBS news and then took my bath and put my p.j.'s on. I will watch some TV and then read until bedtime. I started another book this morning but swept off the walks and porch area and put away the trash receptacle and watered the hanging baskets and did a load of  laundry and dried it and put it away. It's 7:34PM right now.

I have given up on getting a new battery for the laptop. I took my heavy duty extension cord in and hooked it up behind the sofa and plugged the laptop in it. That way I can watch TV and blog in the recliner too. That will be fine. 

I had another message from that factory outlet. They insist my bank site will not accept their payment. So that's fine. There's nothing wrong with the bank site and nothing wrong with the debit card either.

Tomorrow I will get my hair done around 9:15AM . It's time for a haircut too. Tonight I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or so. I didn't sleep well last night because of the laptop nonsense.



Summer said...

Simple things never are which is why I end up with a work-around. Would it be possible for you to use an extension cord long enough to plug in your laptop and sit where you want? Those outdoor cords are long. Maybe you already have one for your trimmer?

Margie's Musings said...

That's what my daughter suggested too, Summer. I may have to get a longer extension cord to do that but that may be how I will handle that need.

Margie's Musings said...

I do have a heavy duty cord for my blower in the garage. I may just use that. Good idea!!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

That factory outlet would make me nervous that there was something shady being attempted. I am so suspicious of all kinds of stuff.

My landline phone is like a welcome mat for scammers. I have calls from the Social Security "Department" saying if I don't dial 1 my social security payments will be stopped. I've even had calls saying that I would be arrested if I didn't dial whatever number it was, I no longer remember. Today I had two phone calls identifying themselves as the Federal Reserve and that I needed to dial 1 or they will come to my home and legal action would be taken. So silly, I don't know what the Federal Reserve would be calling anyone on the phone about.

I keep the landline because if I had to make a 911 call and I couldn't be understood clearly, the police or fire department can trace my exact address and come to help me. Where I live they can't trace my cell phone call to 911 directly to my home address. They have to find out which tower it came through try to find out where I live. I called the police department and that is what they told me.

Maybe that is different with a more expensive Smart Phone, but I just have an inexpensive cell phone.