Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday and No Particular Plan

I slept well last night. I don't have a plan for today and was up at 5:00AM, dressed and got ready for the day. At this point everything is caught up. Tomorrow I will have to do some laundry. After I finish my breakfast I will check "the weather on the 8's" and see what the weather people think our weather will be like today. Since this is Kansas that's always a challenge for them. However the weather is so erratic everywhere anymore that they have their work cut out for them...hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, huge fires that cover thousands of name it.

I have finished my breakfast now and am working on my coffee now. I will go check out the weather and get back to this later...

I read for awhile until the CBS news came on and then I watched that until 10:00AM when it went off. I emptied my trash and ate my last banana. Now I will go to the Caney Market and buy some more. I will wait until tomorrow since they get them Tuesdays and Thursdays. I picked up some leaves in the front yard. Then I watered all the flowers and plants. 

The weather station said we would have 100 degree weather most of the week. I am not looking forward to that. When we don't have 100 degrees, we will have 99 degrees. WOW  !! And I didn't get the yard mowed last week at all. I don't know who will mow in 100 degree weather. Two of Krystal's older daughters are working evenings at Sonic, That leaves the 12 year old. I can't see her mowing in that kind of weather.

More later....

I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, Then I watered the flowers and hanging baskets again. This weather will burn them up.

I read most of the afternoon. It's 4:50PM now and I am waiting for the CBS news to come on. That will be at 5:30PM. After the news and reading awhile again I will take my bath at 7:00PM. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM as usual.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

It's going to be a hot day! It was 75 when I started on my walk at 7:15, and it's 78 now that I'm back.