I slept pretty well last night but woke up twice in the night with stomach cramps and then ended up oversleeping until 6:00AM. I seldom sleep that late but had stayed up later then usual reading until 9:30PM.
I was going to trim this morning about this time (7:15AM) but then realized the noise from the trimmer would disturb the neighbor's sleep so thought I'd better just skip it for today. I basically only have the back yard left to do anyhow. I was so glad to get Krystal to mow for me yesterday afternoon.
I have a 9:00AM hair appointment with Toni anyhow and will need to leave here about 8:15AM if I am going to go to the bank too. That's only an hour away and I will also need to water the plants before I leave. And I am just now eating my oatmeal.
I need to check the weather forecast before I leave. I'd better do that right now. Back later...
The forecast was all up in the later 90's for all next week. They took the rain out of the forecast.
I got everything watered and when I went out front to water those plants, both Blondie and Scruff were out there hoping for some of that wet cat food Suzanne gave me. I watered first and then I fixed them a can of it. They scuffed it right down. They cleaned those bowls completely! I brought the bowls in and washed them.
I still have 15 minutes before I need to leave. I want to take care of the registration on my car while I am over there too. It expires the 31st. If I can't get in that office I will do it by mail but I prefer to do it in person if at all possible. I also need to get gas. They closed the Independence office so all of Montgomery County will have to use the Coffeyville tag office. It may be crowded.
I need to leave so I will get back to this after 3:30PM this afternoon.
I got my hair done at 9:00AM and then went out to Woodshed to get gas. I went to Walmart for a few things I can't get at the Caney Market. I played cards at game day and had a kind of rude awakening A new woman came by the name of Brenda. Karan had gone to take a phone call and Janet had a call on the land lone at the senior center that she was taking.That left me and Darlene with the new woman. I told her4 we were all fully vaccinated and asked her if she was fully vaccinated too. She said "no" and she wasn't going to be either. I told her she should be wearing a mask then and she said she was not going to wear a mask either. I was very uncomfortable with that. She could still be a carrier because that's how my son-in-law got it..from a carrier who did not have it himself.
I was careful not to sit too close to her but we were just across the table from one another. She wanted us to learn a new game next Wednesday and she would teach us how it went. After I left and was on my way home I called Janet to ask her if the woman had told her she was not vaccinated and was not going to wear a mask. She had been visiting with Janet when I got there. Janet said she never mentioned it. I told her how uncomfortable I was playing with someone who was unvaccinated and would not wear a mask. Karan has atrial fibulaton and Darlene has an irregular heartbeat and wears a sensor to test how to keep track of it. Karan is a dear friend so I called and told her about it. I was afraid call to tell Darlene. I told Janet I would not be coming if Brenda was going to be there. That's just selfish. She could give it easily to any of us if she was a carrier.
I have no health problems but I am almost 86 years old. Janet has no health problems that I know of and she is young but there we were sitting right across the table from someone who could infect us with the Delta Variant if she was carrying it.
When I got home, Susan Hill called and wanted me to come pick up my grandmother's clock. I paid her the $65.00 David had told me would be the charge. She said she thought it was working. It ticks but the hands are too tight to move. So I guess it will just be for looks.
I watered the plants again. I am too tired to clean up the leaves in the yard now. I also brought the solar kitty in.
It is 6:45PM now and soon I will eat my banana and take my bath. I am very tired.
I will read after that until time to go to bed at 9:00PM.
I think that was rude of the unvaccinated lady to come into a group of people without a mask on. How hard would it have been for her to have just worn the mask for the time she was there.
If I went there again, I would definitely not sit anywhere near her. That Delta covid is so contagious. She could even cause people there who are fully vaccinated to get a breakthrough case of Covid if she was there and asyptomatic.
I am so angry at these politicians who are wanting to forbid schools from having the children even wear masks at school this year. They wore masks last year, but this year the nonmaskers have such a grip on everything, many of the schools are risking kids lives, just on the say so of some yay hoo, uneducated politicians. My grandson's school is not enforcing any mask rules this year, so our grandson will be wearing a mask, but a lot of the other kids in class won't be. It makes me so mad that he is being put in such a dangerous situation. All I can do about it is pray.
I don't want to mess with Delta. I'm vaccinated but still wear my mask any time I'm out in public. It's common courtesy and helps protect everyone. Plus, it's no big deal to wear one. I don't understand people's refusal. Good for you for standing up to her!
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