I have nothing planned for today but to read. If the wind quiets down.I may rake leaves. But I am not counting on it. I slept well last night again. In fact it was nearly 6:00AM before I got up. It's 6:45AM now and I am just now having my breakfast. I haven't had the TV on yet or checked on the cats.
According to the desktop computer Caney's forecast is sunny and 70 degrees right now. Weird weather for December.
Scott just texted us that he had another bad night. He had the sweats and chills and that cough again last night. He is not through this mess yet.
Tomorrow I will go visit Nancy again, have lunch at Bartlesville and at 3:00PM, go see the audiologist. I hope to pick up my hearing aide then too. I spent $350.00 to have it repaired at the factory. She wants to test me again too. Another $75.00.
I will go check "the weather on the 8's" and the cats.
I watched the news and both cats were there for breakfast so I fed them and after they ate I put the food back in the garage.
Then I went to the post office to mail back Sage's Christmas gift. They couldn't find a Tumwater, WA at all so I ended up sending it to her mother's address.
It's 10:16 AM now.
Leslie just sent me the schedule for January and I am scheduled for the 30th. I have not been able to reach the worship resources at Herald House with either of my computers for some weird reason. I tried the church's website and found what I was looking for just fine.
I got the first of my classmate's returned newsletters. Hubert Guest moved to California so I put his letter in a new envelope and sent it on to him there. Then I changed his address on both computers.
I have been working on the bulletin and sermon for January 30th. It's a little early for that but I wanted to at least get the basics down.
I had my last chicken and veggies pot pie for lunch and it is now 2:15PM. I think I will go get a cherry limeade slush.
Sandy called me and we talked for awhile on the phone then I did go to get a cherry limeade slush. It's 5:15PM now and I will go watch the evening news.
More later...
It is a snow day in Toronto. Keep safe!
It is 56 degrees here in Caney,Kansas
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