Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday and a Better Night's Sleep

I woke up at my usual 2:00AM and realized I was going to have another terrible night's sleep so I got up and took my meds and three Melatonin tablets. I went back to sleep until 6:00AM. When I finally got up, I realized I was going to need some coffee to clear my head.

I made my bed, dressed, and got myself ready for the day. I hope the weather clears up so I can take my walk again later..I  made my breakfast this morning and will eat it right here in the den. I would also like to do some raking if it's nice enough today. I will have to catch the weather when I go into the living room and turn on the TV. I will also need to check on the cats.

More Later... It's 7:15AM now.

Again, only Blondie was out there for his breakfast. I haven't seen Scruff for three days. I hope she is alright and has not been hit by a car or something worse. I see Blondie has eaten and left now. I will leave the food out there for awhile...just in case...  

I need to take the trash out now. The trash haulers will be by at about 9:30AM. It's only 7:32AM now. 

It's 8:27AM now and I just got back home from the market. When I got out of my car I was looking at my grocery list and fell over one of those things you park your car up to. I got right back up with the help of a couple of the market women employees who were just coming to work. I was so embarrassed.  I didn't think I had hurt anything but my feelings but when later I pulled up my jean legs and looked at my knees, they were seeping blood. I bought some bandaids and when I got home I found my antibiotic cream and cleaned the knees up and put bandaids on them. It's no big deal. The only thing hurt was my knees...and my pride. :) The Caney Market employees were very concerned about my well being. I appreciated their concern but it sure embarrassed me. What a klutz I am!

It's 8:37AM now and I think I will take my walk.

 It's 9:20AM now and I just got back from my walk. I got another full grocery sack of trash along the way. Pitiful!

I called Sally and asked her to go to lunch with me at Copan Restaurant. She was interested so I went over and picked her up. We had a nice lunch of a cup of vegetable beef soup and split a piece of German Chocolate pie. Everything was very good.

Later this evening Stephen came in the apartment and stayed almost an hour before he went home to Owasso. 

After that, I took my bath and put my pajamas and robe on. I downloaded another book from Amazon and read until the CBS evening news came on. About 6:00PM. I went back to the book. I read until 7:30PM and will continue reading the book until my 9:00PM bedtime.



Galla Creek said...

You are lucky to only have skinned knees. Glad you are ok.

Suemn said...

I'm happy you weren't hurt worse than that Margie. Your knees may be sore for a few days. Last winter I took my dog to the vet and he pulled me fast over a high mound of frozen snow and I landed on one of my knees. That hurt for quite a long time but it wasn't bleeding or anything. I sure understand, wanting no one to see you fall... been there, done that. ha!