Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday and Laundry and Cleaning

I slept well again last night and was up shortly before 5:00AM. I dressed, made my bed and got myself ready for the day...and then I started my laundry. I haven't seen anything of Blondie yet this morning.

But I did see the forecast for the next week, Today is to be 87 degrees and PM thunderstorms, tomorrow is to be 85 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 79 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Monday  is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 83 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, and Thursday is to be88 degrees and partly cloudy.. That's the week, Four days of probable rain. We certainly need it!

I have had my breakfast oatmeal and breakfast bar and coffee and now Chai Latte. I got my laundry in the washer early this morning and now it's in the dryer. 

I will begin my cleaning today with mopping the bare floors like the bathroom and kitchen and the front and dining room entries to the apartment. I will put the rugs at those places in the dryer on fresh air as soon as the dryer is finished with the laundry.

After that, I will begin the vacuuming. 

So More Later... 

I have been reading after I got the laundry folded and put away. Then Blondie finally came for his breakfast and I fed him. He ate his fill and then left. Now I will put the cat food away and then take my walk, It's 72 degrees so I might need my jacket.

When I get back home I will vacuum the apartment. 

It's 8:54AM now and I am back from my walk and ready to begin vacuuming. 

More Later:

I got the vacuuming finished and read awhile on the books I checked out at the Caney Library this afternoon.

Then I went up to Independence and ate a small pizza lunch at Big Cheese up there. 

Then I read some more. I finally went out back and watered the lilies and swept off the doormats. It's 4:56PM now and I expect it to rain this evening. I did water the back flowerbed. I should do the front one too and if it doesn't rain, I will.

I will dust tomorrow. 

I just took my bath and put my pajamas and robe on. It's shortly after 7:00PM. I think I hear thunder now and then. It's supposed to rain tonight and I hope it does.  We need the rain and the grass has been mowed on Wednesday. Those flowers in front around the mailbox need the water. I watered the back flowerbed earlier and swept off the doormats. 

Good! I do hear thunder!  We should get rain now. I will read until around 9:00PM and then go on to bed. I laid out my two Melatonin and an allergy pill. I will take then just before I go to bed.

It's 8:24PM  and pouring down rain. Blondie was here earlier and sate some cat food and left. It was thundering lightly then and he undoubtedly went to look for shelter. I hope he found some. It's really pouring down rain.

I have been reading with the front door open so I can watch the rain.  The flowers will like it...for sure. And maybe the river will like it too. Any rain, it will appreciate I am sure. I will read awhile more until closer to 9:00PM.

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