Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday and Reading

I slept pretty well last night and was only up once and then got right back to sleep. I got up at my usual 5:00AM. I am having my breakfast here in the den usual oatmeal and breakfast bar, coffee and Chai Latte. 

My feet are not swollen this morning.  After I had that warm bath last night, the swelling went away. It must have been from sitting there for a couple of hours watching the game that caused them to swell. I can't remember when that happened last. I guess I will go check on Blondie and also the "weather on the 8's.

Blondie was out there and just as soon as I fed him, the weather forecast came on too. He is gone now.

Today is to be 92 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 97 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 96 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 93 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be  93 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 99 degrees and partly cloudy, and Thursday is to be 104 degrees and Partly cloudy. That's the week,,,no rain in the week's forecast.

More's 6:00AM and I will wait awhile to take my walk. 

I took my walk at 7:25AM and got back home at 7:55AM. I saw Blondie down at the corner and he followed me for awhile before going his own way. I didn't get a lot of trash...but some. When I got back home I put the trash sack in my dumpster.

I guess I will go read awhile now. It's 8:00AM now.

It's 9:30AM now and I have been reading for awhile. I am trying to think of a way to stand up the lilies around the mailbox. I finally used a rubber band and attached it to the mailbox and the lily that was laying down.

Janet Reynolds of the senior center just called me and offered me the hedge trimmer at the senior center. She remembered I had borrowed it one time and she needed to get rid of it and is going to save it for me next Wednesday when I go to game day. I am delighted! I have just had to trim my hedge one branch at a time and it never looks good that way.

More Even Later..I went down to Copan and had a bowl of their beef vegetable soup...with iced tea...delicious!

Now I will read awhile more. I am not crazy about this author but I have the book from the Caney library so I will try to finish it.

More Later...

I have read almost all afternoon and worked some in my flowerbeds too. There was a small tree growing in the one in the back yard and I cut it out of there and put it in the dumpster.

I also watched the CBS evening news. 

It is 6:17PM now and I am thinking about taking my bath early. I would like to have something cool and smooth to drink first. I may go out to Sonic and get a blast. I'll mull that over.



Galla Creek said...

That is so nice of Janet. I hope it’s good one.

Margie's Musings said...

I had borrowed it and used it once a year ago and it was fine. I am delighted to get it.