Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tuesday and Apartment Cleaning.

I slept fairly well last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I have had my breakfast while waiting for the "weather on the 8's" to come on the TV. I was also waiting for Blondie to come for his breakfast but so far, no cat. I bought some new cat food so I hope he comes for his breakfast.

Today is to be 94 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be 92 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 89 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 92 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 96 degrees AM thunderstorms, and Sunday is to be 97 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 94 degrees and sunny. That's the week's weather. Only one day of rain again. 

Blondie came for his breakfast before I started my cleaning  and I fed him the new food with the gravy on it and he ate better and left. I took the food back into the garage and covered it..

I got the bare floors mopped and the carpets vacuumed. Cleaning the filters is a job though.  I have tried to buy two new ones but I can't find the site to buy them so I just work hard cleaning the two that came with the vacuum sweeper with the small brush for that job..

I will need to dust tomorrow evening. I am really exhausted today.

I have Bunco at the senior center after my hair appointment tomorrow. That hair appointment is at 9:00AM. I will take my books and read outside the library there until 1:00PM when Bunco begins.

More Later...

It's 10:15AM and I have been reading all morning...ever since I finished the cleaning.

I may take my walk now although it's later then usual. I still need to get out of that chair and get some exercise.

So..More Later...

I took my walk at 10:20AM and won't do that again. It was 85 degrees and too hot for my mile walk. And I got very little trash!

I got back at 10:52AM.. Now I will go back to my book.

More Later..

It's 3:03PM and I have just finished another book. I will take it up to the library and drop it in the book drop. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my lunch. I need to go to the market and get some oleo. I am out of it.  I got what I needed from the Caney Market.

I will go to Cheyenne's softball game this evening. It starts at 6:00PM at the Caney ball park. I am not sure what field she will be playing at. But I will either text Jeromy to find out or just take a chance it's the same field they have been playing on.

I just texted Jeromy. Maybe he will answer me. 

He did and she was playing on the same field. I got home about 7:30PM and took my bath right away and put my pajamas and robe on. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

Cheyenne's team lost the game 8 to 14 I think it was. They really need to train a pitcher. They tried three girls to pitch and none of them were really any good. Many of their pitches went right over the head of the Umpire or rolled almost at his feet.. But I enjoyed watching the game.

Again tomorrow is my hair appointment at 9:00AM and Bunco later at 1:00PM to 3:30PM. If the weather holds up, I will get the yard mowed tomorrow afternoon.


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