Monday, November 20, 2023

Monday and A Better Night's Sleep

 I slept much better last night. Of course, I took three Melatonin  and that helped a lot. I was up, made my bed and had my Chai Latte and a breakfast bar and dressed at 5:00AM. I checked on the cats but it's only 5:24AM and none of them were out least not yet. I believe it's raining though. That may be the reason. That will probably cancel my morning walk too.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" though. Today is to be 51 degrees and rain, tomorrow is to be 52 degrees and clouds AM and sun PM, Wednesday is to be 54 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 58 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 49 degrees and mostly cloudy, Saturday is to be 44 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 50 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week. We did get some rain over the weekend....although not a lot! We should get some more today.

More Later..

I went to the Walmart store in Independence  and looked for gifts for the little girls for Christmas. I didn't see anything appropriate for a 13 year old and an 11 year old. I did buy Marlene's and Leslie's though at . I will check with Jeromy about something appropriate for the girls.

I went to the Copan Restaurant and had a bowl of their beef vegetable soup and a piece of German chocolate pie. Then I came back home and went to the library and checked out two books to read this next week. I started one of them. The library will be closed Thursday and Friday. They will be open on Saturday.

It has rained a little all afternoon and quite a bit more this evening. Blondie and one or two of the other cats came for supper. The white one was here as well as the little black and white cat.  They finally all three got their fill and left.

I took my bath at 6:33PM and put my pajamas on. I will read awhile more until 10:00PM at least.

That's when I went to bed.


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