Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday and Apartment Cleaning

 I was up at 4:45AM this morning but I had slept well ...for a change. I have made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day..Then I opened the front door to find Blondie and the smaller yellow cat waiting for their breakfasts. The little grey cat was there almost immediately so I fed it too.

I also caught "the  weather on the 8's". Today is to be 56 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be 53 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is too be 57 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 67 degrees and  partly cloudy and windy, Friday is to be 69 degrees and mostly cloudy, Saturday is to be 49 degrees and showers, and Sunday is to be 50 degrees and sunny. That's the looks like one day of rain on Saturday. That's something. It's better then nothing. 

More Later... 

I got the apartment cleaned and vacuumed and the vacuum is charging again.

I will go out front to take the trash back next to the garages. The white cat is out there eating now.

The vacuum finished charging and the laundry is in the dryer now.  

I went over to Coffeyville earlier for my 10:45AM appointment at the  Board of Health. I got my third shot for Covid 19. I went to Eggbert's and had their fruit parfait for my lunch. I went out to the Woodshed and filled my car gas tank with gas.  Then I came on home. I have been reading again. Now it's 55 degrees and it's sunny.

More Even Later...

Soon I will take my bath. It is pretty cool in this apartment.

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