Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday and Some Rain

 I was up at 5:00AM this morning..didn't sleep so well. I opened the door to the two yellow cats this morning. I fixed their breakfasts and they ate, got their fill and left. The other four haven't shown up yet.

But I did catch "the weather on the 8's" . Today is to be 66 degrees and partly cloudy and wind. tomorrow is to be 66 degrees and PM showers, Saturday is to be 52 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 49 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 56 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 55 degrees and mostly cloudy, and Wednesday is to be 54 degrees and AM cloudy PM sun...only one day of rain and that is Friday (tomorrow).  Well that's something at least!

I read all morning and finished the book I checked out at the Coffeyville Library on Wednesday. I will return it next Wednesday. Twice the two blond cats came and ate more food The little black and white one came too and tried to finish off the cat food. 

I had mixed up my two prescriptions and the pharmacist at Caney Drug got them fixed. I had the two of them in the wrong bottles. I had them both out yesterday and got them mixed up. I only take the two prescriptions so nothing was a problem except that should not have happened.

I called Sally and asked her if she wanted to have lunch at the Dairy Queen in Independence. She did. I told her I would pick her up at noon. I am sure we will have their $7.00 special.  We usually do.

I also found magnetic calendars at Amazon and ordered one. I attach them to my refrigerator door. I have bought them for years. I get two years for $9.00. I am supposed to get them on Saturday. I am so happy to have found one at Amazon. I have looked at all the Wal Marts in the area. There were none with magnets.

I just talked to my daughter and she will pick me up at 10:30 or 11:00 tomorrow and take me with her to Bartlesville to get her oil changed. We will have lunch while we wait. She is going to have it done at Tate Boy's downtown location.

 More Even Later... 

I had the two Blond cats come back for some supper. The white one showed up too. So I also fed it.

Then I picked up a couple of bags for leaves in front of the front door and put them in the trash receptacle.

Then at 7:00PM I took my bath. I have to put two large pitchers of hot water from the kitchen sink in the bath water. It doesn't get hot enough water in the tub..just warm water. Adding two large pitchers of hot sink water helps a lot. At least the water is warm, though not hot.

I will read in a book until my 9:00PM bedtime. I am re-reading "Saving Jesus from the Church. How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus" by Robin R. Meyers. We studied that in Church School class several years ago. It made very good sense. Good enough to re-read it.

Perhaps More Later Tomorrow.....

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