Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday and Laundry

 I was up just before 5:00AM and made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I am doing laundry this morning...mainly towels and underwear. I haven't checked on the cats yet. I put my laundry in the washer and pushed start. Nothing happened. Then I remembered a couple of years ago the same thing happened and  one of the people who reads my blog told me what to do. I went to the garage and pushed the "washer" tab in the box with the fuses and then came back in the house and tried "start" again and it worked.

I did see "the  weather on the 8's" on TV. and here it is: Today is to be 12 degrees and snow showers, tomorrow is to be 24 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 39 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 43 degrees and partly cloudy Friday is to  be 22 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 29 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 37 degrees and mostly cloudy. That;s the week! Today's snow showers are all the precipitation we are to get this week. We still need a lot more moisture!

More Later...

I read until 11:15AM and then went to the Dollar General and bought some groceries....including some Edy's Butter Pecan ice cream. 

I didn't think I wanted to drive down to Copan for lunch in this snow so I bought myself a treat!



Suemn said...

Margie, You have a good memory. I would have been thinking, "Now what am I supposed to do?" Ha!

Margie's Musings said...

Actually I was amazed that I recalled what that women told me. I don't have that great a memory!