Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday and no Church

I was up at 4:00AM this morning after a fairly restless night. I got up twice in the night to go to the bathroom and also take my two meds. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I fixed myself some Chai and a breakfast bar for my breakfast. I opened the back door and tried to look out into the black night. I didn't see any snow yet but I did hear what sounded like sleet. I will just have to wait and see. Snow is forecast for today and they cancelled church since our church is in the country and at least 15 miles from any of us. It would be treacherous if the snow and ice develops. I will just stay in and read. Surely no cats will come out in this weather. It is  -1 degrees F this morning according to the computer. But it also says it is clear out. I will just have to wait and see what develops.

More Later... 

I didn't catch a cat yet. It's way too cold for them to be out there.  But I did catch "the weather on the 8's".

Today is to be 5 degrees and snow, tomorrow is to be 15 degrees cloudy, Tuesday is to be 24 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 39 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be  42 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 23 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 29 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week. One day of snow and no other moisture.

The little grey cat finally came for breakfast/lunch and I fed it and it ate it's fill and went to try to find shelter from the snow. It's 12:03PM.  And the temperature is 3"F.  Yes, the snow is falling now.

I finished the first book I got at the library.  Then I started the second one. I got tired of reading and opened the front door to see how the snow was doing. The little snow white cat had been there looking for food and I took some out to her and she soon came back to eat. There's about an inch or so of snow. It's  4"F degrees out there. I will go check on the cat.

I took my trash out to the receptacle and soon Blondie came to eat next. I took some dry cat food out first and then I took out some of the wet cat food in the the new cat dish. He is eating that now. 

More Later 

I got my snow shovel and started scraping the driveways. I got quite a bit of it done before I played out. I read some more before I took my bath at 7:00PM. I put my pajamas on and will read until 9:00PM when I plan to go to bed.



Galla Creek said...

Glad they cancelled your church service. Stay In. Snowing here and 15 degrees.

Dianne said...

I love how you care for these kitties!

Margie's Musings said...

So do I Dianne! I wish I could have a house cat but my contract says no dogs or cats in the house.